• Profile picture of jhsayyar

    jhsayyar joined the group Group logo of Writing Love Letters GroupWriting Love Letters Group 7 years, 9 months ago

    • You think of me no more
      But I think of you more
      Cos life is just a dream
      Today has the seed of future
      Future is nothing but a desert shore
      It think of you more
      Cos you forget my love and labor of love
      Entering a second lover into the fickle mind
      Does nothing but creates doubts
      Into your mind and to tame
      Your mind full of greed for…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of jhsayyar

    jhsayyar started the topic No Guarantee but Hope in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 9 months ago

    i have meditated too much and conclude that on earth that man made products have some guarantee but God made product Man has no guarantees of life how many years he or she will live on earth because sometimes we see that infants die after birth. It is a law of  nature that we are born to die. 

    Daily some are going and some are coming is just a p…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Timothy

    Timothy and Profile picture of Suren Paris PrinceSuren Paris Prince are now friends 7 years, 9 months ago

  • Profile picture of Timothy

    Timothy started the topic Girls' Education in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 9 months ago

    Girls education is so limited in some of African counties, because of the the parents, family, group, society. community, etc. did not believe in sending the girls to school. It is their believe that they were created or born to cook and to be doing local business.

    But thank God for the enlightenment being given to the parents on the issue of…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Timothy

    Timothy and Profile picture of GAUTAM PENDHARKARGAUTAM PENDHARKAR are now friends 7 years, 9 months ago

  • Profile picture of jhsayyar

    jhsayyar wrote a new post, The Canerians’ Health and Diets for Men and Women 7 years, 9 months ago

    The man and woman who fall prey to breast and stomach diseases are Cancerians surely. These two parts belong to motherhood and nourishment. Both the parts are full of liquids. All the Cancerians must drink water […]

  • Profile picture of Timothy

    Timothy and Profile picture of pitambar raopitambar rao are now friends 7 years, 9 months ago

  • Profile picture of jhsayyar

    jhsayyar wrote a new post, The Geminis Health and Diets for Men and Women 7 years, 9 months ago

    Many emails of my clients on face book and Fiverr.com I have received from all over the world to write on all the sun signs diseases and diet so that we could enjoy good health that is why I decided to write on […]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Finance – New Rs.500 And 2000 Note -RedFort & Mangalayan Series Details in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 9 months ago

    I think whenever any country plans to change the notes it means there are  countless fake notes running in the country. Thus the government loses its control over the fake currency makers and it is a bad ting. The government must crush those who go against the country law be a poor, rich or any important person.

  • Profile picture of Timothy

    Timothy posted an update 7 years, 9 months ago

    Is African have good leaders?

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    Timothy replied to the topic What sports do you like? in the forum Ask practical questions 7 years, 9 months ago

    Do we have anybody here who like football? If you are here can you tell the house which fan of club you are and when are you playing your match?

  • Profile picture of Timothy

    Timothy replied to the topic What sports do you like? in the forum Ask practical questions 7 years, 9 months ago


    Football is the sport i like most because it gives life. By the time you are watching football your spirit will come to life, every aspect of my body live again. For example, if I had headache or any fever on my body. The best antidote is watching soccer and and if my team is wining; I have heal already.

    Join me today after the church…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of jhsayyar

    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Alas! The Kashmir Issue Still Unsolved 7 years, 9 months ago

    Kashmir has a disputed area since the creation of Pakistan and Hindustan a. Many efforts have made to resolve this burning issue but all joints efforts failed to lack of understanding between the two countries […]

    • Kashmir had become an integral part of India and with acceding to the sensitivity of the rulers and the population there. It was also given a special status under the Indian which no other state enjoys today Kashmir has unfortunately become a land of trouble makers and stone throwers. After so much of development being done the people there do not seem to value it and there are trouble makers who are hell bent on formenting trouble at the least possible instance to keep the pot boiling. Payments for these activities are made from foreign soil. If someone is going to come and tell a country that we have to break a part of your land no self respecting nation or its forces will keep quite. The genocide which was done during partition and the one in which many many Hindus were killed are easily forgetten when we speak of human rights the rights of everyone matter and no one can take upon himself the licence to kill with AK 47 rifles grenades and other weapons which are meant only for armies of the world. It is not a million dollar question as to where these things come into their hands and who gives them training and tutors them. If trouble is fomented and the country interests are diluted no self respecting nation will keep quiet. A motley group of individuals cannot take the nation at ransom anywhere in the world leave alone in India. This is a fact.

    • Have not heard anything about this in US news reports. But I don’t get cable TV. However, it’s not like we (we meaning “USA”) are not aware of this dispute. But Kashmir is just not on our “priority” radar. We have terrorists, undocumented immigrants, and a potential influx of war refugees to keep us occupied. Not to mention we have a President Elect who will be inaugurated January 20, 2017 and some of US are not really looking forward to the next 4 to 8 years. We don’t know what the impact of the decisions and actions of the new political administration will bring or “cause”. We’re bracing ourselves.

      The Kashmir dispute is actually a problem that should be solved by you (you meaning “India, Kashmir and Pakistan”). When your neighbors are fighting, you don’t always go stick your nose in their business, even though you can hear them yelling and screaming.

      If you’re fighting with a country bigger than you, you need to make an ally and/or bring the matter to the attention of an international community that addresses such matters like the United Nations. That’s how it works with other nations. However, the people of Kashmir can not and should not wait and hope for “outside help” to deliver them. They need to take a stand and promote their own defense. Don’t know how they are going to do that. But it has been an awfully long time. Surely they are not waiting for some other country to come to their rescue. If an “outsider” country steps in to settle the matter, the Kashmiri people might find themselves taken over by an enemy worse than India. Some folks who say they’re here to help, what they really mean that they’re here to help themselves.

      I know it’s not worth anything and the problem remains unsolved. But that’s “my two cents”.

  • Profile picture of Timothy

    Timothy wrote a new post, WHO IS GOING TO STOP IT, IT RUNS NON-STOP 7 years, 9 months ago

    It is often said that “time and tide wait for no one” Time is one phenomenon that has been provided equally to every individual-male and female, the rich and the poor, the highly placed and the lowly placed. Eve […]

    • Indeed time wasted can never be recovered a saying that has been there for the longest time. And it is very true. You know when you do something you will always look at the time ànd see if you ha e done everything that you wanted to do. Time is of essense and it waits for no man. I agree with what you have shared and the tips that you have given that all make perfect sense and if we can follow them to the latter we are most likely to do what is right and avoid time wasting. And the part where you have said that we should occupy till i come. Yes even in church we are always reminded to be involved in ministry especially when your idle or have no job its good to keep busy with the things of God like volunteering at th3 church. And this does not only apply to the people who go to church of who ar3 Christians it applies to everyone who has their bodies functioning well. Even when you are looking for a job for example you will always be told to get involved with volunteering work, that way someone can find you doing something, and that maybe like why your doing your chances of landing a job right there are very high. So keep busy .

  • Profile picture of jhsayyar

    jhsayyar wrote a new post, The Taurean Health and Diets for Men and Women 7 years, 9 months ago

    I have seen most of the men and women suffering from the diseases of throat and neck if such persons are found by you know that they are Taurean. Those who study astrology in depth know that medicine and astrology […]

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Arians’ Health and Diet for Men and Women 7 years, 9 months ago

    Astrology, health and diet all these three elements are part and parcels on earth but a very few people know this secret because most of the people do not believe in astrology because illiterate people have […]

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Population Explosion all Over the World 7 years, 9 months ago

    Population explosion is curse on earth because it is an unnatural increase of population on earth without aims and objects. Owing to science and technology children mortality rate has decreased that is why […]

  • Profile picture of jhsayyar

    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Child Labor: A Curse on Earth 7 years, 9 months ago

    Child labor is a curse on earth and it means to employ the children for manual job and thus they cannot get education for their better future and thus in the country spreads poverty and unemployment all over the […]

    • Child labor is prevalent in countries all over the world where there is economic disparity and huge socioeconomic disparities caused between the haves and have not’s. The financial problems in the house force the children to go to work after their schooling is stopped as parents are unable to afford school fees and they need more hands to earn money. This puts them in this pathetic situation out of which they can never come out. Thus a their whole is life is wasted which could have been lived better and they would have grownup into educated individuals taking part in nation building activities. This child labor forces a whole generation to lag behind and income disparities to rise which does not do any good to the nation where such a thing is happening. Laws have been framed but not implemented in a successful way. The result is there for all of to see. Governments and social organisations have to do a lot when it comes to implementation to see that child labor is banished from the face of the earth.

    • who will come forward to save the child. No one as they work to survive because their parents cant’ do work and don’t they want to work. child labour is cost very low to the owners.

  • Profile picture of jhsayyar

    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Unemployment in Most of the Countries 7 years, 9 months ago

    Unemployment is a major problem all over the world and in most of the countries as in Pakistan, India but in the under devilment countries this problem is sever as in Pakistan and Hindustan and other poor […]

    • While I agree with most of the problems addressed by you in the article. It is better we the common people find a way to solve the issue on our own the best way to generate wealth is to do something which is in our own hands and big decisions can be taken only by big ticket politicians. Unfortunately majority of these political characters come to warm the chair and would not want to leave their seat of power. Unless he thinks about the country and its people. Even if would want to, the people who would have brought him to power would not want him to take harsh measures as it effects them. The leader has to be very strong and people have to rally behind him. Individuals who have specific skill sets should be doing activity in which income is generated. When wealth is generated, it leads to enterprise and slow growth of enterprises into larger units over a period of time. Change does take place but it has to be hastened by individuals who love their country and its people.

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    Timothy changed their profile picture 7 years, 9 months ago

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