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    Your Seldom wrote a new post, Ananias and Saphira Punishment is Classic Fear Story 7 years, 10 months ago

    There is a story about an Ananias and Sapphira who willingly have the opportunity to share money from their sale to other members of their enclave. It’s an old story from Bible, during the time of early Christian […]

    • You need to read that story again. You’ve got it all wrong. I may not be able to convince and convict you. But I can speak from my own experience. Falling into the Hands of the Living God is something we should be afraid of. Ananias and Sapphira reaped what they sowed. “You reap what you sow.” That’s God’s law and He enforces it. He knows our hearts and true intentions. His justice and judgment is always right and righteous. I might also add He does not need to explain His actions and decisions to anyone. He is a loving God. He is a forgiving God. He is also a just God. He does not have a split personality. His reasoning and intelligence is way beyond anything we mere mortals can comprehend. Trust Him. Have faith. He won’t fail you. Don’t test Him. He is not Someone to play with. If Ananias and Sapphira could return to speak to you, they would tell you themselves. But they can’t. However you have their story. Believe it or not. +++

      • What experience is that? How about your community asks for money when you sell house, and you say no. Then they kill you and your husband and tell everybody it was God will, because you deserved it? That is story in short. God has no interest in money that I am sure of, an you can believe it FOR SURE. This is story about greed and how to get money from gullible people.

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    Your Seldom wrote a new post, Do all Celebrities Smoke, Drink and do Drugs? 7 years, 10 months ago

    No, all celebrities don’t abuse drugs, smoke or drink, but have you ever seen the famous world celebrity, movie actress or a singer who does not smoke? There are some that are against this bad addiction, but m […]

    • In my opinion, a lot of these celebrities avoid smoking behind the screen. They have to do so as per the demand of the scene. I think they do take good care of their health. They do exercise on regular basis and enjoy good diet. So, we cannot expect them to smoke in their real life. Exceptions may be there.

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    Your Seldom wrote a new post, Why You Should Avoid People Who Smoke 7 years, 10 months ago

    First I tell you how I endeavor at my work. I go to work and do my job. When I have time out, if I have it, I eat my crunchy biscuits, drink water and then do another turn.

    All work is wonderful, but one thing. […]

    • When I was younger I always looked at those smoked as someone having a kind of personality. For me they looked handsome but years have made me wiser in my ways and I avoid those who smoke as passive smoking is injurious to health.

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    Your Seldom wrote a new post, People Who Smoke Have Smokers in Family 7 years, 10 months ago

    Many people started to smoke as teens, in later years of being a teen, usually. It happened either because of the pressure of the environment, all their peers are smoking too. It can also happen because they […]

    • My elder brother never smoked but the other two did although the middle one gave up. The youngest never gave up. My husband used to smoke initially but quickly gave up on his own.

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    Your Seldom wrote a new post, Don’t Allow Smoking in Your Home 7 years, 10 months ago

    If I agree on something with many people is that we have to ban smoking on an every level, not only in government institutions but also on the street or any public place. I also think it is very unfair when small […]

    • Yes at home smoking is dangerous for small kids and toddlers and the heart patients. Those who smoke must avoid smoking at home before the children.

      While there are a number of ways to quit smoking, not all of them are equally successful. Here we will break down What Is the Most Effective Way to Quit Smoking that has been used with the most success by those who quit.

      Keep in mind that success rates will not be the same for everyone. In the end, quitting comes down to a personal decision, the amount of willpower you have and a variety of factors affecting your daily life. But if you want the best chance of success, then these are the methods you should be trying.

      More people successfully quit smoking when they use some sort of nicotine therapy than by almost any other measure. This could involve applying a nicotine patch, using nicotine lozenges, or any other form of nicotine therapy.

      What this does is, hopefully, reduce the amount of nicotine going into your body. Gradually, you decrease the amounts you are taking each day and finally get rid of the nicotine and nicotine replacement entirely. This weans your body off of smoking slowly without having to just cut back on cigarettes over time.

      You will still feel the effects of nicotine on your body, but you won’t be suffering from all the negative effects of smoking a cigarette. It’s not the safest way to quit smoking, but it works the best for the largest number of people.

    • When we started our home I used to go for fancy looking ashtrays and place them all over but we changed our mind and removed each and every ashtray around. Guests who smoked had to go out in the garden and smoke.

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    Your Seldom wrote a new post, Smoking is Always Bad for Your Health 7 years, 10 months ago

    During one my previous post I may be said that I dislike smoking. One case more because I can not influence my working environment to be smoke or smoking free. Besides the obvious places like the hospitals and […]

    • Despite knowing the damage smoking causes those who want to smoke will not give it up. The temporary relaxation they get by smoking makes them forget about the long term harm that smoking does.

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    nehemia bayawa started the topic How Much Earnings can be Redeem? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 10 months ago

    I am new to literracybase. I love its platform. I gain more knowledge about anything, but i have a question with regards to earnings. How much will i earn to redeem it?


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    nehemia bayawa started the topic Flowers For Bedrooms in the forum Group logo of Flower and Plant LoversFlower and Plant Lovers 7 years, 10 months ago

    I love flowers very much, and I want to have one in my room. Every time I get one inside, they die after a few days. What will I do to let them survive?

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    Cassy Janine joined the group Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 10 months ago

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    Cassy Janine and Profile picture of Tonya AndersonTonya Anderson are now friends 7 years, 10 months ago

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    Your Seldom replied to the topic Half way mark in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    @evilelf it is great to know that you are halfway to the cashout, that was so quick for you. I am a bit harder to achieve the same goal, because of writing and commenting are difficult for me.
    Still, I will try my best and hopefully make some cash out on end of this month.
    Support on Literacybase is very quiet, I will think they have not heard…[Read more]

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    Your Seldom replied to the topic Talk with Ryan former owner of EliteVisitors in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 10 months ago

    @evilelf I don’t think that person is an English teacher. I have high school and have better terminology and style than he has. I know my English teacher, she is smooth and stylish in writing, polishes every word, this is not it.This is just some bunged text put together.
    He puts God in everything on this page, probably has nothing better to…[Read more]

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    Your Seldom replied to the topic Talk with Ryan former owner of EliteVisitors in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 10 months ago

    First I want to say, I never confused two that websites because I saw that owner is different. I saw that two different people run that website and not like somebody says they are same.
    I don’t have knowledge of that past website and never was a member of it.
    I don’t find idea of you giving this guy any information. Where was he for so long…[Read more]

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    Cassy Janine changed their profile picture 7 years, 10 months ago

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    Your Seldom posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago

    Back to writing today.
    How are everybody?

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    Your Seldom joined the group Group logo of what is decision making? that is the question.what is decision making? that is the question. 7 years, 10 months ago

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    Your Seldom joined the group Group logo of Are you under Arrest?Are you under Arrest? 7 years, 10 months ago

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    Your Seldom joined the group Group logo of primary causes of human problem.primary causes of human problem. 7 years, 10 months ago

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    Your Seldom joined the group Group logo of value of timevalue of time 7 years, 10 months ago

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    Your Seldom joined the group Group logo of Recognize opportunity in your life.Recognize opportunity in your life. 7 years, 10 months ago

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