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    Mahesh wrote a new post, Merit of a Person or Reservation System 7 years, 10 months ago

    I have seen that almost every country these days have some sort of reservation system. The reservation can be anything. Be it on the basis of gender or the religion or the race. And this means many people are […]

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    Mahesh joined the group Group logo of MAKE MONEYMAKE MONEY 7 years, 10 months ago

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    Mahesh replied to the topic Business Personality: Dhirubhai Ambani in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 10 months ago

    I think his skill of building one business after another. And making each one successful is something we all need to learn. It’s not easy to get one business model running that easily. I am impressed with his ability to do something in industry, he had no idea about. And the way he diversified. That is in itself makes you wonder how such…[Read more]

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    Mahesh replied to the topic Mr Donald Trump and Obama Care in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 10 months ago

    Costing nothing under obama care does not make it a good healthcare. Someone else is paying for all the free stuff. There is nothing free. And that is one reason it has to be transparent. If making things free would make one scheme to look good then by all means communists should be good with their social schemes. That’s not the case though.…[Read more]

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    Mahesh replied to the topic 2 Mobile Apps to Earn Income : Rabadaba and Foap in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 10 months ago

    Foap is designed to help the photographers to make money from their stock photography. We can see many photographers who are struggling with money. And they have plenty of good quality photos in their disposal. For them this is win situation. They can upload the stocks they have for the images. And then tweak the images to make sure it can get…[Read more]

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    Mahesh replied to the topic Why Are Writers Using Pictures from the Literacybase Images Album? in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 10 months ago

    Free images on google using it on articles is a very bad idea. This could not only damage the site but also damages the adsense account if the shutterstocks image gets copied by someone.

    Images from pixabby, snapstock, are free and open to use by all. Nobody owns those images. Anyone just uploading that on images library does not make free image…[Read more]

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    Mahesh replied to the topic Business Personality: Dhirubhai Ambani in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 10 months ago

    I admire Dhirubhai and his perspective towards the business. His struggles and the efforts definitely helped many of us understand how hard it is to manage the business. And this also leads to the point where you can see that working on job is lot easier than building an empire. You’d find that personality such as him show us the strength it is…[Read more]

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    Mahesh wrote a new post, Never be in Hurry in Life 7 years, 10 months ago

    You are waiting for many things in life and even small hurry can land you to some bad place. And this is one reason many people think of avoiding the hurry in their everyday life. I have found that those who hurry […]

    • beingin hurry sometimes is not good you will forget really vital things like the door open i mean door of your home and the gas open and the keys are out sied you house or the pc open and the charger finish or the light on and water run when you go to see who is at the door and lots of things, but let me tell you that some time rush or being in hurry is good and that is really good if you want to seafe life or you in hurry for important appointment or you run or in hurry to see some one is going away, or this or that let us do balance not to be in so much rush or so much hurry to forget lots of things and the other hand do not slow down to lose things that do really viatal to your life and so , thanks for the good info and really makes us think and learn and keep or reminding our selves of these things which we know but due the hurry up thing we forget

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    Mahesh wrote a new post, Jones Town Tragedy result of Cult Mindset 7 years, 10 months ago

    Sometimes faith get over too much of our brain. And we start to defend our faith in such way that we end up being outcast. And this leads to cult mindset. In fact the overall incidents that are leading to this […]

    • Every time I hear a reference to the Jones Town Tragedy, the words that immediately come to my mind are: LETHAL DECEPTION with TRAGIC CONSEQUENCES. There was no excuse for following a man like that. This is what happens when people make other people their IDOL.

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    Mahesh replied to the topic Rejecting blogs after they appear in the dashboard in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    I agree. Knowing the problems in the post can tell you where to improve. And if the topic and writing on that is worth it or not. I have found that some of the time people will continue to write and they get to realize that their payout is deducted or rejected completely. And then they think why this has happened to them. Let’s see how things…[Read more]

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    Mahesh wrote a new post, Learning Excel Never Goes to Waste 7 years, 10 months ago

    I work with excel in everyday job. And working with it taught me many things with the data. And these small skills never go waste for me. I learned this software and managed to teach it for others. And they are […]

    • Yes. I do agree with you. I concentrated only on Unix programming when I was doing my computer course. I was excellent in writing programs in Unix. I liked it very much. I neglected some software especially the Excel. My friend was doing a very good job on Excel and spreadsheets. There was another lady working for the World Bank in our office. She was quite thorough and everything was on her fingertips. Whenever we get any problem we were consulting her and she was solving them in minutes. I really wondered how much hard work she had made to gain that perfection.

      She was playing with Excel actually. She was making row and columns and using many insert commands and photograph and typing as per the choice of their officers. The officer was also having several options for his subject as he had to prepare many slide shows for the use of the World Bank work.

      The website like up work, freelancer have got a lot of work and who is perfect in Excel can earn money without any trouble. I have seen many people making good money out of this software.

      Even now also whenever I get time I try to practice it. But, it is not perfect that much. Still, I believe that knowledge never goes waste. Learning something fetches money on one day or the other. Not only in terms of money, it will come to your help on one day or the other.

    • Agree, In fact, learning Word, Excel and Power Point are good skills to have.

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    Mahesh wrote a new post, Not Everything in Life is An Opportunity 7 years, 10 months ago

    I realized this yesterday where I came across some of the people and their careers. I have found that in life lot of things are worth taking risks on. And you have to focus on small things that lead to something […]

    • Life it self is an opportunity, so I guess everything in it is, either you use it right or use it wrong humans

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    Mahesh replied to the topic How much we can earn if I write 24 HOURS HERE in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 10 months ago

    Agree sunil. The thing is that no matter how much we can write. It all comes down to how consistently we can write. And writing 500 words articles for say 10 times a day is not feasible. No matter what type of writer we are. Even the one with the writing as real job can’t write 10,000 words without break. And that is where it makes you worry about…[Read more]

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    Mahesh replied to the topic 2 Mobile Apps to Earn Income : Rabadaba and Foap in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 10 months ago

    I have tried foap. I have around 60 plus photos. And you can find that most of the images that get sold on the site are related to beach, food, and travel. If you are not in region where you can take those photos then you’re not going to make money. So it is going to be pure waste of time. Instead you have to only shoot on good places. Lot of food…[Read more]

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    Mahesh wrote a new post, Cafe Coffee Day had Cockroaches in Their Products 7 years, 10 months ago

    There is one news trending on twitter. And that news is making rounds. It seems the cafe coffee day is getting a lot of newspress due to their faulty service. As much as they claimed about the hygeine, it seems […]

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    Mahesh wrote a new post, Filtering Out the Content Among Noise 7 years, 10 months ago

    I think everyday we are bombarded with lot of content. And we don’t know what to do with it. And it’s even harder to even manage the content properly for consumption. Social media sites are like tap water. They […]

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    Mahesh replied to the topic Mr Donald Trump and Obama Care in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 10 months ago

    I think there was a lot of pharma lobby betting on Obamacare. And they pushed that program. Which trump has found out. And he’s making it transparent. But the way news are reporting him as evil. I think they forgot the very point where the Obamacare was making pharma and doctors rich at the expense of the people who are ageing and in their old…[Read more]

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    Mahesh wrote a new post, Shiny Object Anxiety Problem of People 7 years, 10 months ago

    I attend one class where instructor is giving the guidance on the CBT. Here the people who have depression and anxiety are learning how to deal with it. And this shiny object syndrome is something I learned new in […]

    • Maybe that syndrome is the cause of crimes like robbery, snatching other people’s jewelry, money or cellphones. It can make those who are envious of other people to try to get it too even using desperate means.

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    Mahesh wrote a new post, Doing one thing at a Time 7 years, 10 months ago

    I have found out that doing one thing at a time, can be easy way to get rid of stress. We have lot of things to worry about in our life. And we assume that by doing so many things we are being busy. In reality […]

    • It is a good thing to do one thing at a time as has been stated in the article. But in today’s time and age it is proving to be a difficult thing to do as many other things also come and seek our attention at that particular moment. If we do not attend to them then we will have to give explanations as to why we could not attend to that work on time as was required. But it is proved that doing one thing at a time is the right approach for our health in the long term.

      What we can do is we can tell people if we are attending to a work we will not be taking something new. This if it is maintained and developed as a habit in the long run will help us. And others will also understand what we are trying to say. As they would have got used to us by now. This is how it works. But there are many things on which we do not have control. That is a different issue to tackle in this case. Thanks for the share.

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    Mahesh replied to the topic Legitimate Money Making Site for Writers in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 10 months ago

    I think forumcoin is another place to post. But it has daily post limit. So that leaves you with other options. Then again it can be good if you are into article posting. Even posting one article for 50 cents helps add up some money. I have managed it that way. And so far things are going good. But I wish to have other options for the article…[Read more]

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