I applaud any country that comes up with programs to educate its citizens. We have “ALS” over here in America although we don’t call it that. But it’s same idea. It doesn’t matter if you dropped out of school. Doesn’t matter if you think you’re too old to go back school. Citizens have no excuses because there is an educational program for them if they want to be educated. So you dropped out? So what! Just drop back in and finish your education! 🙂
It is because your country values so much the education. A country with a high rate of educated persons would likely have a good government, a reliable economic subsistence for her people. An educated person would always think first his country.
Yes..I really appreciate Mr. Duterte for introducing this Education system in his country. There are many children who are drop-outs from schools for various reasons.
The ALS is proved to be a grand success in brightening the lives of many students and others who could not pursue their education for various reasons. It gives them a good livelihood and employment opportunities. No earlier Presidents has ever taken or introduced such measures. This is one of the greatest positive steps towards taking the children of his country towards productive development.-
Correct! ALS education is already implemented several years ago when Mr. Duterte is not yet the President of the country. So far he has no definite plan for the education of those people who drop out from the school and have no time to attend a formal school due to their age, due to their drop out status in school.
It is not correct! What I wanted to say is CORRECTION for you are wrong to praise Mr. Duterte for the education program for those OSY, adults is not yet in his government priority thrust.
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I’m in the habit of saying “Einstein would probably have never been Eisntein, if somebody had not taught him his ABCs.” We all come into this world and our minds are a blank slate. We know nothing! But that’s only how we start out. Education can open the door for us all. 🙂