• Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby replied to the topic *BE ENCOURAGED! DON'T GIVE UP !* in the forum Group logo of HOLY TRINITYHOLY TRINITY 7 years, 5 months ago

    Sir Edwin, please indicate if the article you are posting here is lifted from someone else, whether known or unknown.

    This anecdote is really inspiring and it has been circulating the internet since around October 2016. Those who use this as an inspirational story, quoted that the author was unknown, but here, you did not indicate where you…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of Santosh KarkiSantosh Karki are now friends 7 years, 5 months ago

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic My Experience with Literacybase Support Team in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 5 months ago

    @David Hersh

    Thanks for your reply. Yes with me last time @support worked well and they have seen to it that I do receive my payment. I have redeemed my money which I am to receive this month on the tenth on the twenty six March last month. I am hoping that this time I will not face the delay which I faced last time as things have been ironed…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Why Are Writers Using Pictures from the Literacybase Images Album? in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 5 months ago


    Thank you for adding some more sites from where we can get free images. It is a very important thing as images convey in a instant what a article is about.  Hence I agree with you that having images for the articles is a necessicity as images conveys convey an articles contents in gist. Heading and image along with the article are the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago


    I just want to know if we can copy articles without acknowledging where we got them? Isn’t this plagiarism?

    An article of Mr. Edwin Alfonso in his group “Holy Bible” titled, ‘Be encouraged, don’t give up’ was posted in facebook by Adelokoji Okejinmi Ijaola and also posted in funethics on Dec. 11, 2016 and some other sites. This s…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago

    This week will be Holy Week for us Catholics. Since this is one of the longest vacations for the working populace, may I know WHERE YOU WILL BE SPENDING YOUR VACATION?

    I will be spending this long vacation in this paradise residence of mine, here in Candelaria, Zambales. I will just be staying home and wait for our children to take their deserved…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby replied to the topic A spammer enters the site submitting posts language unknown in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 5 months ago

    I have accepted her friend request because I always go for equality. I told her I have accepted her friend request, but apologized to her that I cannot interact with her, cause I do not know her language.

    I always give everybody the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she forgot that all submission should be in the English language.

    I hope she will…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby replied to the topic My Art (part one) in the forum Group logo of Art, Craft, Photography and DesignArt and Craft 7 years, 5 months ago

    You are a very good artist!

    Being able to paint is one of my lifelong dreams. I was able to do some free hand drawing when did a short course in Interior Design. But I don’t know if I can do an oil painting.

    Keep on painting and wishing you the best in your works!

  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby joined the group Group logo of Art, Craft, Photography and DesignArt, Craft, Photography and Design 7 years, 5 months ago

  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby joined the group Group logo of What Does the Bible Really Teach?What Does the Bible Really Teach? 7 years, 5 months ago

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    Ruby joined the group Group logo of HOLY TRINITYHOLY TRINITY 7 years, 5 months ago

  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby joined the group Group logo of HOLY TRINITYHOLY TRINITY 7 years, 5 months ago

  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby wrote a new post, Books that may hopefully guide in developing my writing skills.. 7 years, 5 months ago

    During my ‘Lent Cleaning’, I found several books about creative writing. I want to share my experiences in life by writing about it.

    I am more of a storyteller than a writer. I can easily express myself ver […]

    • I also enjoy creative writing, but it depends on what genre I am writing in. If it is fantasy writing, I prefer writing about angels and demons instead of elves and goblins. I actually prefer the setting of a story even more than the characters. Settings can take place in the urban cities or it can be in the medieval era, where it can be about the plague or the battles that took place back then, including the Holy Wars and the Peasant War.

      • Congratulations on being a writer! How I wish, I can, one day be able to write something worthwhile and at the same time earn from it.

        The only thing I believe in is that there is no age limit when to start writing. I just hope mine is now.

  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago


    Thanks for accepting my friend request!

  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby and Profile picture of Jacky HughesJacky Hughes are now friends 7 years, 5 months ago

  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby wrote a new post, An Inspiring story of a cleaner who became a writer in residence in south Glasgow 7 years, 5 months ago


    If they broke every pencil in the world I’d have to start chiseling words into walls.

    Mamie Lang


    This was the title of an article I read in the May 2003 issue of Good Housekeeping, U.K. Fourteen yea […]

    • This is a very inspiring story, it just goes to tell us that what You are doing now or where you ar3 now does not determine where you will end up. God indeed has his own way of dealing with our sorrows and frustrations in life all we need to do is to trust him. This lady had no idea that her story would end her in the position that she has now. All she knew is that she is a cleaner and that is what she amounts to. Sometimes we are pushed to do certain things by people who don’t even know us and it’s this stranger’s that propel us to greater levels in our lives. Another thing I have learned from this story is that you should never look down upon yourself because there is a hero in all of us. We all are capable of doing certain things in life. It also reminds me to never look down upon anything because it’s through that thing that your blessing may come from. Always do your work with joy, love what you do, put in effort do it to the best of your knowledge and even though you may not see much in what you do, remember that there is always someone watching from afar and they might just be the breakthrough that you have always wanted.

      • Oh, I do love your comment and your insights on this post! Everything you said is true and it hit right thru the heart.

        It is true that we must never belittle anyone just because of their status in life, their gender, their work etc. Respect must always be given, whether you are rich or poor.

        And so very true that a much Greater Being is watching over us, always.

    • powering story, from a human who liked to fight and stand on her feet, she delt with her sorrow in a way to benefit from, pushed her self capablitly so she can become something or legend after she was poor human, reminds me of many of the people who become a flag after they were either waiters or cleaner or anthing or any job that made less money, with keep on failing they learned that they are strong and they are good to live a good live but needs to find a way to reach aht life that they want.
      great people are not people with money but people who do not give up and do great jobs for themselves and for the society that ht they live in

      • Mamie Lang is really an inspiration for me for she really believes that she can be better than what her current job is. No obstacle can hinder her drive in achieving what she really wants in life.

        So true about your last sentence. Those who do not give up are bound to succeed.

  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago


    Glad to accept your friend request.

    Please pardon me, for I cannot understand the topic you posted which was written in you language.

    I hope LB has a translation feature.

    Happy blogging!

  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby wrote a new post, This Dad goes home for lunch from his Makati Office to their residence in Quezon City, everyday! 7 years, 5 months ago

    It was twelve years ago since my dad passed away. My husband and I reminisced on the days when my dad was still working in Makait City, as the Legal Officer in one of the biggest banks in that area. What we talked […]

    • Traffic was not that congested at that time, unlike today, one can not do it. Your father was a good husband, because he loves your Mom’s cooking and he took the time to have lunch with her at home; and you too!

      • Those were the days when traffic was not heard of as much as we have it today. I think I can count myself lucky for having experienced the ‘no traffic’ scene of metro manila.

        Yes, my dad was such a good person, not because I am his daughter but because I saw how he cared about us and other people.

    • That was a very nice togetherness with your dad. I am so sure your heart was bleeding in sadness when he died.It is not easy to lost someone dear to us especially our parents.I hope your mom is still alive this time and still enjoying her cook.Thanks for this nice post.

      • Thanks, too, Cely for liking and commenting on my post.

        Both my parents are gone and we do surely miss them so much! But since they have taught as well, we were able to cope up with the loneliness.

    • That is good story and all of us do that, for me my work si 30 minuts if no crowd and really i hate everyday or amost every day to go to my job, but what to do, we need to work for ourselves for the family for the community for many reasons, but only if the work is near by it would be better, the crowd is another thing, oh my God and the traffic is so bad when its summer and the ac is not working
      But in some places its not the crowd that is the issue wince it becom somthign that you are used to with the time wnd with daily usage, but the issue is the stupid drivers who rush you and they run to the road or those who do it slow way things i can never understand and make me so angry from them, they should have their own way and they think as if the king fo the raods.
      thanks for sharing the story

    • It was interesting to read your post regarding your dad’s practice of going home for lunch from bank. True it is good to have food in one’s own home. good day

    • If my working place is not away from my home, I would prefer to go home during lunch time to eat together with my wife. I have the same feeling with your dad. I do appreciate the foods cooked by my wife. I would love to see her on how busy she is. My presence is more than enough to relieve her of her chores.

      Eating together is one of the important moments I always cherish to do especially not only with my wife but also with my 6 children. I am happy to see them eating together in one table, talking, joking and whatever they do. We have a strong family ties because of that and also we believe that family could be together forever.

      Every year especially during new year’s day, we spend our quality time with our family in going outing especially to the beach. Our family bonding is indeed strengthened. We want to build the true spirit of family that prays together, stays together or even forever.

      Anyway, in this kind of attitude a dad has shown has edified the saying, “there is no place like home.” I believe that.

  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago


    Thank you for accepting my friend request!

  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago


    Glad to accept your friend request!

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