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    Mathews kasamika changed their profile picture 7 years, 7 months ago

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    Mathews kasamika became a registered member 7 years, 7 months ago

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    haripriya wrote a new post, HARDWORK NEVER FAILS- SO DON’T LOSE HOPE 7 years, 10 months ago

    Thinking about the word hard work, it is common to think about some great people who worked very hard to come up in life. Knowing about their struggles that they had undergone will give us chills. There are many […]

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    haripriya joined the group Group logo of ALL ABOUT YOUR ANGER AND HURTSALL ABOUT YOUR ANGER AND HURTS 7 years, 10 months ago

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    haripriya wrote a new post, Honesty 8 years ago

    What comes to your mind when you hear the word honesty? Okay, let me share my views- it is a thing that we can’t buy or sell, but we can feel it when we do our work or anything in our life with a heart full of d […]

    • Honesty is a state of mind. More specifically, with regards to each individual, it is your state of mind and how you perceive truth and integrity versus lies, hypocrisy and such like. Most don’t have a problem making the distinction or differentiation, which is why they can usually point to an honest person when they see one. But some people do have a problem. They have a reprobate mind, that is to say a conscience that can’t discern between what’s good and what’s evil, what is honest and what is dishonest. I’ve heard there are people like that but I’ve personally never met anybody who was. Most of the people I crossed paths with clearly know the difference between right from wrong, which means they make a deliberate and willful choice to either be honest and trustworthy or dishonest and untrustworthy. A dishonest person can turn and choose to be honest. A honest person can turn and choose to become dishonest. Each day we live we are faced with making this same decision over and over. “It’s a new day! Why way do I go?”

    • I remember a famous line “honesty is the best policy”. Even during my high school life I have heard already this line. Until now this is also being uttered in school.

      Honesty is all over our lives. In school if we don’t copy from our classmates, in marriage if we don’t cheat our wife or our husband; in office if we don’t get bond paper and bring it home. Even in our daily lives, we meet many honest people returning the money (big or small amount) the picked in the streets. These are heroes of their own.

      Dedication and being responsible might contribute to honesty, but there are many things we can contribute to make it happen, like loyalty to our marriage, truthfulness to our study among other.

      This is honesty for me.

    • yes. Duty is done with a necessity. Dedication is doing your duty that gives self-satisfaction. Responsibility is doing duty within the framework of established rules and procedures. A work done honestly will cover these three things within itself. Honesty is the jewel of a person’s personality. It elevates the personality of a person in the society. A person with honesty will always be treated with respect in the society. This is the one aspect which can not be viewed relatively.

    • Honesty is th3 best virtue someone could have in their life. When you are honest you don’t have to worry about anybody suspecting you of anything. Honesty also brings about trust something that most people don’t think about most of the time, others disregard it thinking that it is a waste of time because everyone seems to be telling lies. Well the truth is everybody has a way of doing things others may be good others ask bad. But why tell lies when you know your inner being is not being truthful. You cannot love a healthy and peaceful life when you lie about everything or something’s. If you have a conscience that lie that you made will make you so uncomfortable, it will always keep you on toes to make sure that you do not spill the beans and I don’t think that’s a very nice place to be. You will always feel like some is suspecting you or you feel guilty, what’s the point of getting yourself so stressed out when you can actually avoid it by telling the truth. I personally don’t like telling lies because am not good at hiding it for so long someone would tell immediately that an lying. So honesty is the best policy keep it that way for a healthy you.

    • duty at work, life in the society, all these things need honesty, and life without it is really hard and with it is so great really, but everything has an end and dishonesty will have an end too, honesty is the key to peace and love and good family life, honesty is meaning to me old says and old people, they knew the honest and morals more than humans in our generation, but honesty is a rule that is wrintten here and there and wanted all the time and at all the places, but who listens, no body, that is why there is fake honesty now a days, and for bud luck they are good in showing as if they are realy honest, we hope that these people will learn that its not good for them and to their families too

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    haripriya became a registered member 8 years ago