I love this idea, it seems hard to travel alone after having a family, and no ME time now. Sigh!
I so afraid about my safety as I am short and thiny, I scared the strong stranger or big man will carry me away, haha!
Thus, I am will still go travel with some friends, family, sisters, etc rather than alone, but only in a small group in order to avoid messy in final decision process.
In reply to: Ambo Akino wrote a new post, 5 Reasons You Need a Responsive Website to Let Your Business Grow Take in the mystery traps and changes to effectively running your own particular site, faultlessly. Ace the customs of […] View
In reply to: Ambo Akino wrote a new post, 7 Most Effective Tips to Prevent Hair Loss Balding is an issue which influences a great many individuals all around the globe. Indeed, even in India, a great many men and ladies are […] View
I had bald spots before whic we call alopcia areata. I had it iniially, treated by a dermatologists. She gave me a cream to put on the bald spots one in the morning and one in the evening. In addition , she injects it with a medication initially, for twice a week. Afte a month, once a week. Then , wjust the cream . The hair did start growing after 3 months But , it is an expensive way.
Now, i treat a new patch or two with a natural concoction of ginger , alcohol and virgin coconut oil. After 3 months hairs grew .-
Home remedies works but takes more than we expected! Sad reality
Yes, that is true. We just have to be patient in their application.
In reply to: Ambo Akino wrote a new post, Web based Games Are The Best Treatment For Depression On the off chance that you are a parent who trusts that web based recreations are a danger, as opposed to something helpful, you […] View
In reply to: Ambo Akino wrote a new post, Marketing Automation? How Important Marketing Automation for Your Business? Advertising mechanization helps advertisers to make, convey, and computerize web based showcasing efforts […] View
Some websites offer re-post or share via social media automatically at different set time interval in order to approach different target consumer groups.
I think this strategy work for those companies which aims to apply the the mass online marketing strategy.
It will be better than employ an staff to do the share and post jobs in the office, not only it won’t be missed, but it will be posted on time and able to create a report on this.
Agree, but for me, that’s not for a long term goal. From time to time, you need to update your strat that’s why hands on will work best.
yea you are right bro. when im a little bit depressed i play online games,web games,platform etch any kind of games i could play to avoid over thinking. also eating can help and making friends they can help you. but if they are not around i used to play dota2 its a moba and online game. it takes a lot of time. something like 1 hour to finish a game. so satisfying to play and win the game competing with gamers around the world. i agree with your article you.
I feel you bro. Online games, food and friends are my stress reliever. I use to work at home and it dulls me sometimes. I use to play FPS games link special forces point blank and oh, mobile legends also.
Your post is technical and above my head. But I know it contains quality information to be used as a reference. I just know responsive websites is the way to go and wish I could make all of my websites and blogs responsive. Excellent post! Very informative.
Thanks, remember that google is our friend
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