Elom ikechukwu awoke replied to the topic please help in the forum About LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago
If I redeem $10 what will happen to other remaining amount since know that one articles is more than $10 what about who always writing all day long, i have earn some huge amount here what will happen to it? Why they say there is no earning limit?
Elom ikechukwu awoke started the topic please help in the forum About LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago
Please help I am trying to redeem, but I could not. The system says it cannot be less than $10, i have try but i was not able, i want to know if he/she cannot redeem as much as he/she earn why do they continue to increase the amount? Help and give me idea.
Elom ikechukwu awoke replied to the topic difficulties of redeeming in the forum Making Money Online 8 years, 1 month ago
Since they is a minimum of $10 how about my earning, i mean the remaining one. And how about those people who always contributing and writing a every big lenghting sentences, how did they redeem they own earning, since it is they always increasing participant amount as much as they write comment.
Elom ikechukwu awoke started the topic difficulties of redeeming in the forum Making Money Online 8 years, 1 month ago
Please someone I have been trying to redeem my earning since yesterday but I couldn’t. I write all i have earn literacybase system says, it cannot be less than $10, i write $10, it still saying the same thing, help i don’t know how to go about it. And again if the literacybase cannot allow people to redeem as much as they have earn for they work,…[Read more]
Elom ikechukwu awoke started the topic Examination malpractices in the forum Making Money Online 8 years, 1 month ago
schools should ensure that teaching and learning take. Teachers should be equipped and students motivated. Less emphasis should be placed on paper qualification. Practical examinations and verbal expressions should form evaluation method and not just written question and answer Examination. Schools should treat any body caught cheating with…[Read more]
Elom ikechukwu awoke replied to the topic Do you belong to a broken family? in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 1 month ago
A broken family is a broken relationship, I am not from a broken home, broken home is a broken promises , a broken destiny, the children who come from a broken families is always fill being abandon, and what could a broken home, a broken can course everyone to go he or her own way, when this happen the children suffer, the children became unhappy…[Read more]
Elom ikechukwu awoke started the topic Government in the forum Health Issues 8 years, 1 month ago
government is the architect of indiscipline. They make laws that are never implemented there is no public convenience or toilet facilities in the market, public places or bus stop to stop the act of urinating and defecating at randomly. They encourage bribery and corruption and scarcely provide infrastructure for sanitation and provision of…[Read more]
Elom ikechukwu awoke started the topic imoral music in the forum Entertainment 8 years, 1 month ago
In society today the type of music we hear today is actually different from the type our forefather enjoy on they n time. Because today music has n nothing to right home about, in the time of great grandfather the music of that time has inspiration and give thought to everyone who hears it, 70s and 80s, the music of naways days are coursing…[Read more]
Elom ikechukwu awoke started the topic what happen? in the forum NewBies 8 years, 1 month ago
Why is it that some website who promiese to pay member for participating one frum or the do not keep their promieses, why is it that somtimes some of those website closed down and you can n ot have asses them again why? How can members who are participating to all those website can help site to grow fianancially in other to keep that company alive…[Read more]
Elom ikechukwu awoke started the topic Be independent in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 1 month ago
Never, as long as you live, give anyone power Over you- whether son, wife, brother, or friend. Don’t give your property to anyone, you might change your mind and have to ask for it back. As long as you have breathe in your body, don’t let anyone lead your life for you. It is better that your children be dependent on you than the other way…[Read more]
Elom ikechukwu awoke started the topic hypocrisy in the forum About LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago
When someone starts winking at you, he or she has something bad I n mind, and nothing can stop him/her from going through with it. When he’ or she with you, his or her talk is so nice! He compliments you on every world you say. But behind your back it’s a different story; he will take what you have said and turn it against you. There is nothing in…[Read more]
Elom ikechukwu awoke started the topic self-examination in the forum Making Money Online 8 years, 1 month ago
Know what you are talking about before you speak, and give attention to your health before you get sick. Examine your conscience before the Lord judges you; then when that time comes, he will forgive you. Humble yourself before you are punished with sickness. When you have sinned. Show repentance. If you make a promise to the Lord, keep it as…[Read more]
Elom ikechukwu awoke and Patti jo are now friends 8 years, 1 month ago
Elom ikechukwu awoke started the topic filthy talk in the forum NewBies 8 years, 1 month ago
Elom ikechukwu awoke started the topic advice about women in the forum Health Issues 8 years, 1 month ago
Don’t be jealous of the wife you love. You will only be teaching her how to do you harm. Don’t not surrender your dignity to a woman. Keep away from other men’s wives, or they will trap you. Don’t keep company with female musicians; they will trick you. Don’t look too intently at a virgin, or you may find yourself force to pay bride price, don’t…[Read more]
Elom ikechukwu awoke and Himaa are now friends 8 years, 1 month ago
Elom ikechukwu awoke started the topic king is like everyone else in the forum About LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago
like every human being, I am mortal. I am a descendant of that first man, who was made from the soil. I was conceived from the sperm of a man, in the pleasure of intercourse. For nine months my flesh took shape in the blood of my mother’s womb. When i was born, i came into the world like everyone else. I began to breathe the same air we all…[Read more]
Elom ikechukwu awoke started the topic capital punishment? in the forum Making Money Online 8 years, 1 month ago
God’s word spelled out a clear path for justice. No guilt would be established through the testimony of one person; multiple witnesses were required. Also, an impartial judge would hear the testimony. If guilt was established, the punishment could be carried out. However like today, people during that time would attempt to evade guilt through…[Read more]
Elom ikechukwu awoke replied to the topic Eat plenty of potatoes daily if always having bad dream in the forum Health Issues 8 years, 1 month ago
Friend! How can potatoes be a cure to bad dream? Dreams are from spiritual realm not sickness, when you are talking about spiritual, things aside has thing to do with but things in the spirit have and instead the very person which is always eating dream have to be deliever from it because there a force of darkness which feed people in dream…[Read more]
Elom ikechukwu awoke joined the group Fear… 8 years, 1 month ago