@abllo active 6 years, 2 months agoRank: Newbie
Watch Your Health
A healthy body and a healthy mind are essential for effective leaening. There have been many cases of students performing poorly at examinatios because of poor health. Do take care. See a doctor or go for medical check-up and treatment should the need arise. View
All I understand is that when two people love each other and they want to spend the rest of there lives together. Then they choose to get married and have kids, and build a foundation with this life that they have choosen amongst one another. I can’t wait to share the same life with someone I love as well with that someone I love too.
I believe marriage is a wonderful thing. It is an institution where two people are joined together to work together, to grow together and make better the other.
Marriage makes people become more responsible. When you get married and have children you will know that you have responsibilities to take care of so that way you will know that you cannot do things without thinking, or recklessly.
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