abdul omar bwika joined the group Freelancers Online 8 years ago
abdul omar bwika started the topic Ask me any questions pertaining online work in the forum Making Money Online 8 years ago
1)Finding genuine online sites
2)how to go about working online
3)how to be an attractive freelancer to your clients
4)how to secure your money from all freelancing sites
abdul omar bwika posted an update in the group Making Money Online 8 years ago
To my notice,they are many genuine sites that one can use to work online.Most of it all there is away you can deal with scammer threat.Paying methods have increased with security measures keenly observed. Here are some of the trusted sites that i used with no regrets 1)Guru.com 2)upwork 3)fiver for more will keep you updated Good luck.
abdul omar bwika joined the group Making Money Online 8 years ago
Xoliswa and abdul omar bwika are now friends 8 years ago
abdul omar bwika became a registered member 8 years ago