• Profile picture of jonzyent

    jonzyent started the topic king makers and culture in the forum Group logo of you canyou can 8 years, 6 months ago

    At Majestic coronation
    Of kings of many clime
    To rule her people
    Like other royal Kingdom
    On the surface of universe.
    Appear the masked kingmakers
    So strange like Eclipse of the moon
    With royal oil in their palms
    Pouring it on their chosen ones
    Against the royal household.
    Kings are enthroned
    On wishes and Mints
    Of the masked kingmakers above…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of jonzyent

    jonzyent started the topic Sunset where I am! in the forum Group logo of you canyou can 8 years, 6 months ago

    Here I am
    Behind the curtain of a nation
    Trying to exit from uncertainty
    Of time hard shell, of black tortoise
    Who in the name of God
    Hundreds of black garments float in air
    Like tattered flag of bloody nation
    Saying, “we are unarmed innocence”
    And the killings, justification of one man
    Crucify me little in your silence
    They are m…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of jonzyent

    jonzyent started the topic Culture and tradition in the forum Group logo of you canyou can 8 years, 6 months ago

    Yam is on fire
    And the gun powder can hear the walks of a
    wandering animal
    Let the house rat warn the bush rat
    Yam is on fire and the hunter is searching the
    troubled grass
    If you hear the drumming of mortar at the
    And the calculated jumps of a restless pestle
    Do not call for a race
    is the one pounding yam
    Tongues peep out…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of jonzyent

    jonzyent started the topic Beautiful morning here in the forum Group logo of you canyou can 8 years, 6 months ago

    Oh! Yes..the grass is wet.. The sky is cold..the wind is
    white..the earth is soft..Its a wonderful day.Oh! Have a
    bite from 2days cake of success.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter joined the group Group logo of you canyou can 8 years, 6 months ago

  • Profile picture of jonzyent

    jonzyent replied to the topic Don't judge others in the forum Group logo of you canyou can 8 years, 6 months ago

    You are right…for instance,I can’t say anything about someone that normally keeps quiet everyday but for me to jump to conclusion I need to do investigations like is he proud?is it his life style?..or something bordering him? all these might be going on in mind my but I must not jump to conclusion

  • Profile picture of Nina

    Nina replied to the topic How can you explain:the real you! in the forum Group logo of you canyou can 8 years, 6 months ago

    I’m sure most people who know me have a completely different idea about me than I have for myself. The reason is simple, they don’t know me that well. I try to be realistic about myself, most of the times it works well enough.

  • Profile picture of Nina

    Nina replied to the topic Smile in the forum Group logo of you canyou can 8 years, 6 months ago

    And a smile is healing as well. It helps for improving your emotional condition, gain positive attitude, even went things seem difficult in your life. And I would also add laughter because it’s the other helpful thing for your mood.

  • Profile picture of Nina

    Nina replied to the topic Don't judge others in the forum Group logo of you canyou can 8 years, 6 months ago

    I agree, we should not judge, but sometimes that happens subconsciously, and it’s difficult to control it. Physical appearance doesn’t matter to me, I’ve seen beautiful people, how are not nice at all and exactly the opposite as well.

  • Profile picture of Nina

    Nina joined the group Group logo of you canyou can 8 years, 6 months ago

  • Profile picture of jonzyent

    jonzyent started the topic Smile in the forum Group logo of you canyou can 8 years, 6 months ago

    When life turns its’I mean ( ugliness) to you, (SMILE)
    Through it, its make your life brighter.because you are there to create a change to make the ugliness turns to aesthetic then it now make your life a bright one but if you admit it but you don’t change it…it will remain on moved

  • Profile picture of jonzyent

    jonzyent started the topic Don't judge others in the forum Group logo of you canyou can 8 years, 6 months ago

    Never judge others by their physical apperance
    or the position they seems to keep. until you
    move closer to them, engage them, you’ll never
    know who they really are.many people put nice behaviour but if you don’t get closer to them you will not know what extent they relate with their attitude…friends don’t judge others study them and move closer…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of jonzyent

    jonzyent started the topic How can you explain:the real you! in the forum Group logo of you canyou can 8 years, 6 months ago

    The real picture of who you are is in you
    attitude and character. no matter the time you
    look into the mirror, the mirror will not reveal
    that to you..people outside tells you how you behaves but to my surprise, most people do say I know myself and I know that I’m cheerful ..I don’t think is possible for you to know yourself than people that is…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of jonzyent

    jonzyent started the topic Reality in the forum Group logo of you canyou can 8 years, 6 months ago

    reality sit down in an open place , faith was talking inside room where it was locked.

  • Profile picture of jonzyent

    jonzyent started the topic friends at times in the forum Group logo of you canyou can 8 years, 6 months ago

    Sometimes, people who you assume or take
    to be your friends can be the heina after your

  • Profile picture of jonzyent

    jonzyent started the topic computer world in the forum Group logo of you canyou can 8 years, 6 months ago

    Hello friends,how has been your day?computer mean much in this world..without computer many informations will not be able to publish and vital messages cannot be communicated…thanks to this century that makes life easy….friends I want you to tell me how happy you are with computer

  • Profile picture of jonzyent

    jonzyent started the topic position/post in the forum Group logo of you canyou can 8 years, 6 months ago

    have you held a post before?what attitudes did you display?in any post you find yourself see it as a service……tell me the post you have held before…….

  • Profile picture of jonzyent

    jonzyent started the topic dont be afraid in the forum Group logo of you canyou can 8 years, 6 months ago

    be strong,have the confidence,be independent,seek advice…and take steps. be fearless…determination is the key,say your mind,voice out!.

    keep quiet! when you need to keep quiet when you need to do so..dont copy! be yourself…be unique,create another step to follow,make impart in this world,think of what will bring development to you…dont…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of jonzyent

    jonzyent started the topic peace in the forum Group logo of you canyou can 8 years, 6 months ago

    peace be unto you!let walk in peace lets share in peace let the world unite with the power of peace lets give with the mind of peace let change our name to peace. lets begg peace to follow us,peace!where there is peace hatred cant stay there..peace is like wight that show cleaness where ever it goes….let the world allow peace to reign

  • Profile picture of jonzyent

    jonzyent started the topic feel happy in the forum Group logo of you canyou can 8 years, 6 months ago

    be happy….no matter the situation you find youself be happy,happiness brings hope and faith.dont discourage yourself just take up the challenges. best is in you just try and find it.lucky is in you just try and locate it,success is yours just try and work towards it…happiness can change anything in this world….try and smile,laugh,and…[Read more]

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