Tribal Wave
This forum is dedicated to all things tribal. We are all part of the human tribe, yet we all come from a special place that is uniquely our own. If you look back down the line of your own ancestry you can see that you originate from your own tribe or tribes and where you came from is part of who you are today. Share the tribal creation stories of your people; share the myths, the truths, the historical facts. Share the customs and culture of your tribe, the food, the art, the language of your people. Read what others have to share about their own tribe, compare and embrace the differences that make us all who we are.
My ancestral background is that of Spanish, from my paternal grandfather, and Chinese blood, from my paternal grandmother.
From my maternal side of the family, Indian heritage, from my maternal grandmother, and pure Filipino (I think), from my maternal grandfather.
At the moment, on my husband’s side of the family. We are tracing back his roots…[Read more]