Author Posts

December 26, 2016 at 6:47 pm

You might ask why I am not happy today. We have many visitors at home and I lost my privacy. They stay whole day at home.  These people are siblings of my niece’ husband side. There are five of them. We serve them food, drinks, snacks. What I am not happy about is the consumption of current. Two air cons are operated in the bedrooms and five fans in the living room and in the other room near TV. I wonder why my niece cannot tell them to leave home before evening comes. I was upset by the way, but they cannot see my feeling through my face for I mingled with them once in a while. My niece stayed with us at home since birth; she has two kids now. Her husband is among the five people I consider a visitor for he is not at home. He works abroad as a nurse. He arrived in our place two days ago. My niece got pregnant of this man at 16, has a son at 17, married at 18 for this is the allowable age granted by our government to marry and has another son at 19. She turned 21 this December. She just earned some units in college .It’s hard for her to finish her education. There is no one to take care of her kids better,  than a mother like her. Besides, that is the life she failed to see behind her years as single and teen. She has no choice. We can never bring back the hands of time. Yes, there were times she sobbed and cried for she wanted to go to school, but her children are too young to be cared by a house helper. Her husband, too wanted her to finish her course, but there is no to take care of the kids. I pity my niece, I told her to find an on line job, so there is something she could be busy about. I bought her a lap top and she has now a job on line.

Then I went to Ayala Mall to buy apples and vegetables I always like to eat like parsley, celery and spinach. Then, after three hours, I went home only to feel so mad when I saw one male visitor slept on my bed. How I wanted to shout. I was indeed angry. Who wouldn’t be angry for a trespassing done by that person? Nobody noticed him. He thought that it was for visitors’ room. He felt sorry for what he had done. I never responded. I locked the room, took the bed sheet and threw. It was also my fault for I forgot to lock the room. But if you are a stranger in a certain home could you have the gut to sleep on bed not yours?


December 26, 2016 at 8:26 pm

I think you are not feeling happy just because somebody has occupied your bed and transpassed the limits. Is it not?

I too do not like people who enter into others house as visitors and sleep on their bed This is not good and  a good manner at all. They should know that it is wrong to sleep on some others bed. But, who should teach them? Should we? We can only show our feelings in our face and it is for them to understand them. If not there is no alternative but to tell them which may, of course, offend them. Ultimately, it may lead to quarrel and misunderstanding between people  This is really quite a delicate issue. I got many such people. If I see them I just inform my wife not to allow them inside the other rooms in the house.

December 27, 2016 at 5:42 am

The situation seems to be very embarrassing. Sometimes I do face the very same situation and it hurts me  a lot. It becomes very difficult to tolerate such type of situations but one has to do it. These are unavoidable situations and one feels totally helpless. These situations can ruin one’s health in the long run. So, it is a better idea to involve oneself in some other activity during the said situations. You must find other applicable ways to tackle the issue.

December 27, 2016 at 11:34 am

@sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam,thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings of my post. You might be right that the trespassing done might not be the cause of my unhappy feeling.It should be angry feeling.Well anyway, I was able to pour our my feeling through throwing the bed sheet outside. That man was already drunk that lost his temper and right manner.His relatives were not able to monitor him for my room is far from the living room.There are are indeed human beings despite educated, but they lack disposition. I can relate this to the quote of Albert Einstein which stated that : Imagination is more important than knowledge.There are individuals rich in imagination, and there are also bright people, but lacking disposition.What an ironical situation. It should be both educated and highly imaginative.

This day, that person texted me, I do not know where he got my cellular phone number he asked for an apology and for the sake of Christmas he was forgiven. My niece was also ashamed of me. I told her next time if they same faces appear at home, she and her husband must not serve liquor for liquor makes a a man forget about right manners and conduct.

Thank you for reading and Merry Christmas !

December 27, 2016 at 11:43 am

@yasirkamal, That is true, one may not feel happy about the trespassing done by that stranger relative of my niece’s husband. he was drunk that time. He might think that was his bedroom. He was not also monitored by his companions.They only learned where he was when I entered my room and shouted for I was so shocked to see a man I never know. He was driven out by his male relative and all them were so ashamed. They immediately left home for they cannot face me. Just imagine, it is my house and they lack the right manners and conduct.

After that incidence, I wen to beach  swim there for 2 hours to release my bad mood from so cold water in the sea. We live near beaches,so every time I like to swim I just walk for some meters almost 400 to 500 meters distance from home to beach. When I returned home, it was so silent.They all disappeared hehehehe,What a nice ambiance in peace, but they left the house dirty. I hired someone to do the cleaning. What a day it was.

Thanks and Merry Christmas.