Author Posts

May 4, 2017 at 8:14 pm

I tried commenting on some articles on blogs and I could say it is more goody and best because I really earned bigger than the usual I get when commenting on some topics but topic commenting is also advisable to be have a greater earning. Maybe I could comment on blogs again next time lol.

@haripriya, we are just the same as a newbie but later on we can catch up to the expert bloggers in here because they usually help us to be known or better to say they will guide us whatever we don’t know here in literacy base. One thing I learned is, Don’t write the numbers in 1,2,3, style but write it in words so that you can get longer words that can be counted as @cely said that it is better to have more words to be able to be paid than in less and no pay. hehehe

May 5, 2017 at 10:55 am

@Tita, thanks for observing the flow of your income when comment in a bog even at your own blog.It is not only that, I also enjoy touring my blogs at different sharing sites for every view of our blog from those sharing sites, LB pays us.I noticed every night my earning here grows that is because of those sites that I shared of my blogs. I shared to those sharing sites LB affiliated and feel the joy of doing it touring to at 10 sites. I spend almost 1 hour touring at my old and new blogs to share to others so they will know me and visit my page. The feeling is indeed nice and fulfilling.

May 5, 2017 at 11:23 am



I think blogs, rather than forum discussions and activity updates are weightier. Nicely written and properly analyzed blogs do have power, coupled with images to bring in audience and advertisements.

Perhaps that is why commenting on blogs gives better returns.

Thanks for pointing this out, as even I was neglecting this aspect.

May 6, 2017 at 8:16 am

@PEEUSH TRIKHA , It was proven to myself about the little increase of our figure if share our blogs to some sharing sites. I usually share my blogs to very few 10 affiliated sites of LB. It takes me some minutes touring to those sites. I like most Reddit for there is always viewer / and upvoted my blogs.

Try to register at Reddit,Viadeo, Digg, Skyrock.