Author Posts

April 21, 2017 at 3:56 pm


April 28, 2017 at 9:44 am

@shahid Hassan Hashmi , Submit a post in words not in picture for there is no payment. It is my friendly advise to you.Just write a very simple post understandable by all.Happy writing, blogging and earning at Literacy base.

April 28, 2017 at 9:49 am

Even if I respond short, I still get some sort of earning. Sometimes I do not know what to type long enough and I am at a lost of words then I feel silly trying to postpone the comment sometimes. I prefer to just post than comment at times. But whatever works out for you 🙂

April 28, 2017 at 10:30 am

@michelle, hehehe I just write and write what pops up from my mind and connect details to add life to my ideas. It is not easy, exhausting, but challenging.In commenting, it should be better to comment if long paragraph or at least 5 sentences for there is no pay if comment in one sentence only. I observed the flow that is why you notice that I have longer paragraphs in comments to make sure not to keep on going back and start all over again without a pay. Try to observe it. Comment and send but before sending that comment check the figure then after sending , check the figure remains the same. That was my experiment when i was new here observing the figure no moving if only one or two sentences, Just sharing my dear. Have a nice day or evening there.

April 28, 2017 at 10:59 am

I think even with any comment I receive some sort of earning just not as much if I write longer. But of course, if I write a lot more like a couple of sentences then it is much more noticeable in the LB bank.

I usually just write whatever comes to mind and I do not mind if people do not read it. I do not like how the commenting is not easy like how myLot we get notified for comments. This one we have to search if people comment our stuff. They should improve that aspect to gain more people on here. 🙂


April 28, 2017 at 6:28 pm

@michelle, that is true, I hope others comment too to blogs. I have just toured in my blogs and others’ blogs to comment and reply those who happened to comment on my blogs. I am also excited or interested to read others’ blogs to feel and see the beauty of their world. Every writer here write according to own experience and that is normal thing to do.

April 28, 2017 at 9:36 pm

Yes, you are correct. Each comment I was writing back to you was like a penny increase or something. I am now shy of like fifty cents for redemption. I will get that in two or three blog posts later and redeem.


Have a good day ahead!!

April 29, 2017 at 7:42 am

@michelle, Hi Mich? have a nice blogging this day.Advance Happy Mother’s Day to your mom. I am so overwhelmed of the beauty of roses as your post image so lovely and I am so sure that your mom will have a very bog mouth open to say wow and see her dance in sweet sways to mean happiness. About your lacking cents, res assured you can make it in one or two long group discussions. I still have to write one long blog this time to reach extra so great will be by May. Let us hope no problem along the way after redemption.

Take care my dear and have a nice weekend with your sweet love and loving parents.

April 29, 2017 at 8:57 am

Thank you!! I made the redemption a couple hours ago & I redeemed for $10 🙂 Thank you! Those flowers were from my birthday 2 years ago, heheh.

April 29, 2017 at 9:35 am

@michelle, hehehehe nice flowers from your sweetheart. Congrats for having redeemed. I am going to redeem after sending you this. I wrote two blogs as you see in screen to complete my task of $15. Let us hope happy life in blogging and pray soon there is increase of our pay. Have a great day see you in ML later afternoon/ Take care.

April 29, 2017 at 10:00 am

Hehe thank you.

Yay, Congratulations on your redemption of $15. And more for next month right. 🙂 Take care!

April 29, 2017 at 1:05 pm

Thank you so much for posting this.
I Thought of posting comments for the blog post but unfortunately, every time when I log in here,  I am directly landing up here in groups. And this attracts me more than that. I think it is because of I haven’t done any commenting before here in blogs or I did comment in very less amount.

I am a newbie to the site and I am just learning here about how to handle the site, where to post the articles and where to clear the doubts and everything. Still, I don’t know the maximum limit of posting articles per day and all.

Thanks for sharing the tips and I am sure it will help me a lot in earning here as well as for other sites which I may join in future. Yeah, commenting is a good activity by that we can both earn and learn simultaneously.

April 29, 2017 at 1:46 pm

@michelle, thank you girl, hehehe trying hard you know am busy night and day. I already had redeemed let us hope for May 10-15 to be happy to see and withdraw the fruits of our labor.

April 29, 2017 at 1:53 pm

@ haripriya , I hope to see your blogs, I have read your comment on my blog very well written . I am sure you can earn more if write blogs more. You may submit 3 to 4 blogs a day, or just two long blogs at 1,300 words each to entitle you of almost $1 for few hours. Should you post many blogs, I think that will be tiring, you can earn whatever you do here,but best in blog submitting easy to reach our goal.

When I was new here, I also feel the same way you do, careful in everything but practice makes us perfect though so perfect hehehehe. I hope you can redeem this month.Are you eligible for redemption? I always see your comments. Thanks and happy blogging.

May 4, 2017 at 4:41 pm

Hi guys? Happy to say I earn almost $.0.50 every night sharing my blogs to my favorite 10 sites at least no more hassles left , up and down we can see these sharing net sites , even our comments could be exposed. So funny because I always send my blog to Digg and the language is not English. Maybe it is German, French, Spanish or Danish hahahahaha, but I replied in Spanish I just say like this: MUCHAS GRACIAS TO DOS LOS HOMBRES LOLS. Meaning thank you so much gentlemen. How funny and I understand what they are saying in two foreign words, I also teach french Language and Spanish, English and Math, calculus , Physics.

Hasta la vista mis amigas y mis amigos in Literacy Base. Buenas noche! ( Meaning until nest time my boy-girl friends. Have a good evening all).LOLS.