Author Posts

November 20, 2016 at 1:08 pm

Liberty is what we always sought for before our country obtained independence from the hands of the foreign invaders. Is there absolute liberty? How is liberty applied in your life when you are already married? For me liberty is at scarce for those married individuals hehehehe, correct me if I am wrong. Why I am saying this because when you were single, you are free to go anywhere to relax, to dine at the best cafe center or to hang out with friends. When you are married, you are closely guarded, and if you insist to leave for your own happiness, there will be war. That is the liberty that you may not anymore achieve when married, unless the two of you have the same tastes of life, social gatherings, movies watch, swimming, bowling, skating and others you usually do when you were free hehehehe.

Liberty in real sense, may set us free from what we do in a democratic way,like a country under a democratic way, liberty follows.Sometimes ,there is too much liberty a person employs to himself leading him to go astray. Liberty must not be abused, but rather treasure for not all countries have liberty like Syria, Iraq, and other countries ruled by ISIS or terrorists. They are so pitiful. Those bad elements have liberties to enjoy what they desire ,whereas, those innocents and helpless may never experience liberty. They may succumb to death without knowing the real meaning and application of liberty.