Author Posts

December 26, 2016 at 6:08 pm

Auckland city, New Zealand is like a paradise. Those who had toured or from New Zealand can attest that I am telling you the truth about the place. When I first step Auckland, the first word that I uttered as paradise, yes, the place is like a paradise, though no one has yet gone to paradise. We just based our words through the descriptions given to us by God through the Bible how a paradise looks like.I was so captivated with the beauty of this pace, so green, cool awesome, amazing.That is why many want to migrate to New Zealand. The place is so organized, Their traffic too is decentralized, so effective and organized. You can never hear there “wang wang”, no noise  pollution, free from pollution of any kind. For me, there is no other place I like to live, except Auckland

Every morning, I jog there in Cornwall Park for 1 hour jogging only. I saw there many from Asia jogging every day. New Zealand residents seldom jg despite many of them so huge.I do not know why they hate to jog , maybe their body is heavy to carry during jogging,lol. But they can have a brisk walk just to have a lengthy steps to reduce weight ,thus helping shape the body .

I hope next year, I will be there again for good. Have a merry Christmas everyone.

The photo here shows portion of Cornwall Park in Auckland. Photo shot by me personally.

2011-05-09 20.18.31


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