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April 12, 2017 at 6:11 pm

This is what I am always doing since age 17 to fast every Lenten season comes.I pledged this to the Lord so he will always blessed me and give me a better life. This is also a way to cleanses our sins. I always pray God to give me strength during my fasting.I eat my dinner only very few. When I fast, I eat nothing. I take some liquids like coffee and milk. Other members in our family fats only during Good Friday, others no fasting at all but eat with measured foods, one small cup rice and veggie or fish.

I never feel hungry during my fasting.My friends told me that they cannot afford to fast three days without taking at least less solids,I told them I am used t this every Holy Week and it’s on the days that I can my penitence. Others choose to be crucified and I saw on Tv , there were already 32 crucified , the last were father and son,so horrible for they are not Jesus Christ. I dunno know if God is amused of what they are doing for there is only one son of God that crucified Himself to be saved from our sins.

What about you? Only those RC can understand this, or there might be other religions that believe Jesus Christ as our only Savior.