Author Posts

December 25, 2016 at 2:56 pm

I have posted here about goals to each before Christmas May I as you again if you have reached your goal before  Christmas ? There were plenty of goals you mentioned in my previous post. Let us all share here as one family if we have reached our goal or goals.

For me, I reached some. There is one that I failed to reach that is to write blogs before Christmas hehehehe. I may extend that goal before New Year ,lol. What made me failed my goal, so many reasons. One is, I was disturbed with my problem in school . We do not have Christmas bonus,plus among the employees in our department , I am the only one having salary not released from December 1 to December 13. I was so much affected of it. I went to bank, then back to school’s accounting office why I do not have salary.What worries me much is the season, it is Christmas time and I have to make my family happy by giving them their favorite gifts.

hen I went to accounting office they showed me the update my salary already processed on that day, December 22 and by next day , it will be available in ATM.That was so annoying an depressing .Who would be happy problem like mine.It was not easy to deal. I just spent my savings to buy some gifts and foods in malls for traffic was so hard to control inside malls. The next day, December 23, I was able to withdraw my salary, what a relief. I was so disturb. Then, it took me many hours to buy goods for Christmas, so many people inside mall. I also had a problem to park my car, so I have to pay someone to carry my things to the parking lot.Then when I reached home, I fall asleep due to tired mood,hehehe.Tomorrow, I will have another business to attend to, so still I may not concentrate to write blogs.

I am just be happy discussing anything under the sun and strike right away my post.What about you, have you achieved your goals before Christmas?