Author Posts

December 11, 2016 at 11:32 am

As I waited for the traffic to clear from too much congestion,one car ahead of my car has something written at the upper part which said” DRIVE YOUR DREAM.” My mind replied, “wow”I like this phrase. It has meaning and so interesting that I got my pen and small notebook that I always carry with me every time I travel and work, so I can easily remember some nice topics to develop, once I reached home. This one interests me a lot, so here I am drafting this moment.

Why I am so interested about this phrase, simple answer, it has deep meaning. For me, dreaming of nice things to achieve in life would be nothing at all if there is no drive of your will and no courage of the heart. These two domains in us must function all together ti get the highest end result.Nevertheless, if you just imagine your dream as easy as what you think , but without your first move, then it will be useless.

To drive our dream means we have to work out our plans in life . Let us make what we plan and dream come  true with us doing or moving them in the right way and direction. If we just keep on postponing what we like to happen, then , sooner or later, your interest will fly away without having tasted or tried if those what you planned would bring you to success and happiness.

The driving of the plans must be associated with high resolution thinking so that no turning back may happen.Should you dream to reach the place of your dream, do it, Should you dream to become rich, drive for it so at the end of your driving is SUCCESS.

December 11, 2016 at 11:42 am

If  you also dream to reach the threshold here, monthly, drive that dream by making strategies to set aside some minutes to visit this site so you can park for a while other concerns not related with writing.That is how senseful driving your dream is.The driving of  your dream here does not literally mean you are required to apply gasoline to your unforeseen engine which is the brain. Our brain is the one that drives our dream to reach the realities of life. No driving of a dream ,means no landing or reaching to what you desire for night and  day.

Drive your dream is not easy but the more it gets harder if you won’t start at all. At first, it will be difficult if you are not used to spend many hours in this site, should we mean the driving here is your dream to reach the threshold every month. Then after several attempts, you will finally realize that being busy mentally writing blogs, sharing thought and feelings to some friends’ blogs would mean beneficial on your part for little by little you get used to do over time for some useful hours when you are free.

Let us all drive our dream far, far so we will become somebody someday.