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September 3, 2016 at 2:51 pm

There is no fear if think a lot of anything.According to Albert Einstein our mind can accommodate 70,000 thoughts every 24 hours, which I doubt if there are people who can consume this thinking allotment. I keep on telling my students not to worry about if think and think for only few can consume these 70,000 thoughts w=everyday.We sleep for many hours, so our brain also stops thinking.It relaxes too during our sleep.

September 7, 2016 at 5:04 pm

Maybe this topic is not attracted to LB people for despite I have so many friends here, but I do not know about their interest to read. They might like to read about recipes hehehe, about online earnings, about many sites, about income, about payout, about money, about health and many things under the sun. No matter how many times , thousand times in a day to think and think, let us not worry, we won”t be crazy for we can hardly consume the 70,000 thoughts everyday.Maybe I can consume 60,000 thoughts a day or more ,lol.

October 23, 2016 at 5:47 am

I am just now seeing this group/topic. Sorry for the delay. I am always thinking. Even when I don’t want to think I’m always thinking. I think in my sleep. I come up with some good writing ideas when I’m sleeping but by the time I wake up I forget what the ideas are. šŸ™

I try to read anything that I see on LB. If I have something to say I’ll try my best to leave a good comment. Now if we could remember everything that we actually thought about in a single day might be awesome, scary, and just plain scary. My thing is I get distracted in my thoughts.

October 25, 2016 at 2:07 pm

@evilelf, you are so funny friend hehehehe, what makes you think while asleep unique. My suggestion to so the good ideas won’t disappear is to always have a pen and note beside you.Take down those very important thoughts from your brain.That is what i am doing after I realized that all those better topics ran away th next time I want them.From that time on, I always have with me a notebook and pen,to make sure that there is something to remind me when I am ready to write.

Just try it my dear.You will surely be excited to open your notebook ad choose the topic written there.

November 28, 2016 at 5:04 pm

This time, I think a lot of many things about my work, love life, family, friends and money matters. I am thinking about my work for this time, I feel no longer like to teach.Why? Our program head is so unfair.Just imagine I am a holder of two graduate studies and one post grad, but she dared give me only 21 units; whereas, others not an MA holder were given 24 units, and there is one I learned from others mouth, 27 units and only holder of an MA. The facts: those given 24 were her classmates during college and some her previous co teachers from other university, but the fact is, they lacked the EQ. The other fact is, that person given 27 units load is her neighbor and does even check papers , but it’s her students, too bad program head.

I wished to report her to our college dean, but I do not like trouble, so I just let time healed my pain.The, this day, she told me if my load is already 24, I said , “no.” She replied, ” ha?” oa, feeling did not know about her action. I want to whisper onto her ear” you are f**uc__kin _shit”Ā  Sorry about these words,but I want to express my feeling.

My close friend teacher told me, that this programĀ  head envied me for I always travel to other countries, and she learned that my visa is a work visa. But she knew well that I have problem of my visa for it must be transferred to my new passport.

ell those, having 24 units cannot still match my salary for I am a professor earning at P350 per hour , and they none MA holders only P115 pesos Philippine money. These people better go to Singapore or Japan and apply as domestic helper for eh pay is far better than their teaching having not finish a graduate course/ program.


November 28, 2016 at 5:17 pm

Also allow me to support my thinking about love life, Yes, the love of my life, a foreigner from New Zealand is sick with Parkinson’s .I Goggled this to on line doctors and learned that this sickness is not fatal, but the complications of Parkinson’s are what make him fatal.This worries me everyday. I spent sleepless nights thinking about him I left there in Auckland. PD kills for the person having this is always sleeping. He also feels tired and weak . I do not know what to do. I see him living in so many tablets of different colors. yes their medicinal tablets there are colored. They are doing this so the patient will be encouraged to take for the colors are so inviting.It seems there is psychological impact an effect .I feel his agony especially when he wants to lie and stand. He is struggling.he told me his body is so painful , side effect of Parkinson’s disease.

Then my NZ partner has just been operatedĀ  for another sickness urethra. His urethra always bleeds before he was operated. I have so many thinking this time.What must I do? It seems my partner there has only few years to live. I am so afraid of this reality. I plan to go back there to take care of my bf after my work visa be transferred to my new passport. he feeling sucks of these many thoughts that I have day by day.

Thanks for reading.

November 28, 2016 at 9:32 pm

Very sorry for you and your friend. Just keep hoping that it would be well with him and would come out of it.

November 29, 2016 at 1:11 pm

@ma’am Cely, Ā In times that you are afraid of losing anything or anyone, all you have to do is to pray, there is no impossible with God as we have always said.

I hope your partner get well very soon.

Be strong ma’am for you are one of his source of strength right now, so it is good if you can go back to their place as you plan to.




November 29, 2016 at 5:01 pm

@emmanuel Mensah, Thank you my dear, I hope and pray that their doctors there could prescribed him with a very powerful medicine to prolong his life and much better if his PD disappears like smoke on air. I am always restless here thinking about who would cook his food, clean his house, wash his clothes. He told me last night, there are three social workers that visit and monitor his health condition every week. It is a social worker who drives for him to mall to buy some stuffs for his daily needs and consumption. It is also the social worker that drives him to hospital for a pre appointed check up.His house is also cleaned by the social worker. The social workers are paid by the NZ government and after ding their tasks they have to let my partner sign the papers to support of their assigned tasks perform in a day.

There is also one male social worker whose function is to bring my partner to a gathering for social and leisure.

It is this way, that my bf forgets about tomorrow and the present sicknesses. The feeling sucks of this kind of sickness, PD despite not fatal, but its complications make the concern body owner to suffer much. May God’s glory heal Dennis , my BF in Auckland.

November 29, 2016 at 5:12 pm

@ nehemia bayawa, Thanks girl, yes prayer is a very strong and powerful instrument to heal our pans, sicknesses and problems in life.It is through prayer where we can feel consolation to our doubts and broken dreams.

What happens to Dennis is indeed hurting me. We are in a relationship since 2008 and the years of our bond through internet and some visits there make us stronger and love grow even better and merrier. But when I learned that he is sick with Parkinson’s, it seems the world is put upon my shoulder, so heavy that I cannot almost withstand this test of time. I am truly gifted for having him in my life, but indeed sad and scared every minute of my life. That sickness though not fatal, but its complications is what makes one’s life at risk.

I never lost hope that someday God will give Dennis His miracle , and to let him live for many years and live too long.This is life I have to fight for and this is LIFE no matter what,I have to remain strong and hopeful and will never show to my bf that I am so sad and so worried about his health I hope the medicine he is taking three times a day cure him .

” When there is life, there is hope.”


December 25, 2016 at 4:54 pm

I do not think everybody is capable of accommodating 70,000 thoughts in their brains Ā If it is so everybody will be a genius. It must be on an Ā average how many thoughts a human brain can accommodate.

Generally, everybody will be thinking the time one gets up from the bed.

ThinkingĀ is a good habit But over-thinking is a bad habit If we think on irrelevant things it is of no use But it is a relative factor So, we must think only on those which are important and useful for us We should not overload the brain with the unnecessary date. As and when it is used and the purpose is served it should be deleted and sometimes we should also find an occasion to format everything as we generally do with a Computer system Ā Thus the optimum utilization of brain can be achieved.

December 25, 2016 at 5:05 pm

@sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam, That is correct we have to think only of the most important things that require immediate thinking. Thinking of whatsoever cannot be avoided for there are many factors to consider like a movie seen, the mind keeps on imagining the scene and create your own as to what supposed to be the ending,Another, a program seen , the mind keeps on imagining the sexy dancers and how their bodies way beautifully and so with those macho dancers how they dance well that way. In a way to work , church , travel anywhere, the mind cannot stop thinking abut those nice views and the people around.

The mind is also considered a store house of the king,lol. As to over used it, well. only drug addicts can over use their thinking due to drugs,They can create images thus forming them into what they desire, Of they think they are super man then they can fly to their death.