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December 22, 2016 at 6:08 pm

Let us know how we pay ourselves. We are always busy. Our body is our only instrument to make everything in our life come true. Others might have not realized about hos to pay the self. This is somewhat intriguing for those jobless this time.Of course, those jobless will never think about themselves first, but how to get a job and have money to buy something for survival.

Somehow in our lives, we never had thought about something for ourselves.yes, we eat, we drink anything we like. We also go to malls to buy some stuffs for the family and for others forgetting sometimes about yourself. Why is this so because we work hard for our family,We want to see them happy and always in good health. That sacrificial love is what leads us to be inspired working hard everyday.By all means we want to achieve our dreams because of no other reason, our family.

Question, did you pay yourself first? Hehehehe, this is a question I was not able to answer in the past when someone a world financial broker asked me if I paid myself first. He saw me working so hard, so that was it, he asked me about it and I was not able to answer him right away. As days go by, I realized the question was so important for me.

Then I recalled if I had ever paid myself first hehehe.The answer was NO. This time, the answer is YES. I pay myself first every time I received my salary. I pay myself by buying some material things for myself so myself always see it as a prize of my hard work,’

What about you friends?


December 26, 2016 at 6:25 pm

This day, I pay myself first. I received my second salary for the month of December, so I bought myself a new pair of shoes , and new sunglasses, hehehehe. This is the meaning of paying the self first. I worked hard from Monday to Saturday, so I have the reason to make myself happy. Actually, it is only ourselves that can make ourselves happy, no other. Others who may participate, but the happiness they share us is shallow unlike the happiness our own creates.I also dined in a fast food center and you know what, I was alone and happy to be alone. I dine with some hot beef stew, deep fried chicken with hot sauce and frozen  pineapple juice. I left the place so full and drove my car mall to mall to buy some fresh shells , crabs, and shrimps. These are are favorites at home. I bought my sisters who live with me these kind of sea foods, They like much these sea foods, so I never fail them every salary of mine, I buy.

How nice to live simply, no hassle of money, and no bad sickness .I hope all members in our family will always be in good health. We do not eat pork at home, so none of us is sick with hyper or high blood pressure. We ceased eating pork for almost 20 yeas now. I was  a teenager when I recommended to my family not to eat pork after I saw pigs eating dead animals and see the piggery of my friend having pigs  injected and feed with chemicals just to let pigs grow fat fast abruptly and abnormally.

This is what I can advise to you, no matter how much you earn, pay yourself first.