Author Posts

October 6, 2016 at 4:39 am

Wow, so many people are so misinformed about to the truth of EliteWriters. First of all, EliteWriters has never been any other site. It was NEVER Elite Visitors. Just because I site as “ELITE” in its name does not mean it is in no way related. I just love how people assume things without even knowing the facts.

 SuperD Everyone that has posted on and has reached the cash out has been paid. I don’t know what you may have heard but it’s not true.

 Melissa Jarrell, you can believe what others have told you if you want but they don’t even know the truth because half of these people have never been a member of EliteWriters. 

With any site, if you don’t bring in views for your articles then why would you blame the site? The site is not responsible for bringing in views for anyone. That is why there are options to share your articles to many different social sites.

October 13, 2016 at 6:12 pm

@Evil Elf I ask this when I first joined the site for reviews on it. I have since learned tools to use to increase the audience my post go out to therefore increasing my earnings.

October 13, 2016 at 6:20 pm

@Melissa Jarrell, it is understandable to ask questions about a site that you have never heard of but sometimes you have to take chances with them, especially when people assume they know something when they don’t. Try and get to know the owner of the site if possible. After all,  they are only human just like you and me. 

October 16, 2016 at 3:10 am

@evilelf  I understand your point of view. I was asking hoping to get thoughts and opinions from those whom work on the site. I have already taken way too many chances with sites that I have never heard of or start up sites to get burned in the end. I loose all my time and writings and get nothing. Time is money for me.

October 16, 2016 at 1:41 pm

@Rajaraman K,That is a terrible and horrible site Elite writers. I think they are just stealing writers quality blogs. What a a waste of time and effort you had made at Elite Writers.They should be reported to goggle or to FBI so this site Elite Writers will be castigated. My bloods boils after reading your discussions here on that animalistic attitude of their moderator. May she f**k herself. Cheater like that Christy34. I have to memorize her name, I might encounter her one day.I have to get rid off that kind of moderator kinda feeling herself great and superior.

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by  Melissa Jarrell. Reason: foul language not permissible

October 16, 2016 at 2:16 pm

@ EvilElf i am a member of elite writers but i stopped writing there after a while because the earnings were too slow. But when i tried to delete my posts from there, I found that there was no delete button which is wrong.