Author Posts

November 17, 2016 at 7:24 pm

If we want to reap love, sow love. If we want to reap joy, make a decision to rejoice in the Lord always. If we want to reap peace, learn to entrust everything to God.


If we want to reap kindness, be kind to everyone you meet on this journey.


If we want others to be gentle to us, be gentle to others. (Proverb) A gentle answer turns away wrath.


If we want God to take full control of our lives, we need to let go of our own will.


If we want to hear from the Lord, take to time listen and wait on the Lord. DON’T JUST GO YOUR BUSY WAY. Take time to pause.


If we want more of God, spend more time with Him. Do not expect God to transform you into the person that He wants you to be when you spend all your time facebooking, watching TV Series, playing dota, barhopping.


If we want to live an abundant life, we need to seek Him first and His righteousness.


If we want to live a righteous life, we need to have a surrendered life before the Lord and allow ourselves to undergo discipline.


If we want to live a victorious life, learn to know and claim the promises of God. 

November 17, 2016 at 7:49 pm

Amen to that.

We must always make God the center of our lives.