Author Posts

March 12, 2017 at 1:11 am

In the book of Luke chapter 18:1 the Bible says, “And he(Jesus) spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray. And not to faint”

Prayer is having communion and fellowship with our heavenly father, or in short communicating with God. Just like any earthly father desires to have communion and fellowship with the children so does the heavenly father. This is why prayer is a personal responsibility of each and every child of God. The essence of prayer is not to ask things from God, but to commune and fellowship. It’s sad that many Christians today view prayer as, “Asking things from God ” there’s more to prayer than just asking. The moment we start communing and fellowship with our heavenly father all the things we need we be given to us. As the Bible says that, “seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you ” God has already blessed us with every spiritual blessing. Now these blessings are actualized in our lives the moment we start having communion with our heavenly father. It’s high time we moved from a level of begging things from God, to a new level of communion and fellowship. The level of asking is for babies, while the level of communion and fellowship is a high level of maturity. Just like in natural life mature people shifts their focus from things they can get from the father, to the father himself.