Author Posts

May 17, 2016 at 9:30 pm

@peachpurple  Thank you for explaining that for me. I am not sure that I would be able to go that long confined to my bed with no shower. I am not sure that I would have liked not being able to see my baby for that long either.

@icybc  I am sorry about your tendonitis and not being able to post long comments. I hope that it can get better for you so you are not in so much pain. Sometimes, it is hard to make long comments and I understand about needing compensation for what you do  here. Maybe if you were to concentrate on sharing things here on social media it will get you better results. I have found that I can make more when I share than what I make on making posts or comments. I hope you will still pop in and say hi when you can.

@kaka135 Yes @peachpurple explained the confinement period very well. I think it is interesting to know the reasons behind why there customs such as this. I had never heard of it before. I am glad for you that your mother does not force you to do this if you do not want to.

May 18, 2016 at 4:20 pm



Oh you have high blood pressure? No wonder! But you are a young mom, aren’t you? Mid 30s?

Yes, it is not wise to go for natural birth with high blood pressure. It will worsen your bp reading and irregular heart beat.

When I had my 1st girl, I had diabetes, had insulin jab daily for months until stabilize the sugar blood level.

My son, I had high blood pressure too but the reading went back to normal after constant checkup.

I don’t have diabetes nor high blood pressure, doctor already check that it only happened when I was pregnant. Lucky!

Do you take medications while you are pregnant?



sorry to hear about your tendonitis. I hope that medications and therapy could help your wrist to recover.

regardig the points, I would suggest that you write at least 100 words, you will earn more.

I usually write 100-120 words , earn 0.01 cent, if 150 words earn 0.02 cent

, less than that earn 0.005 cent.

Answer 2 persons comments, more words!

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by  peachpurple.

May 18, 2016 at 4:47 pm

@peachpurple @morgoodie
I laughed when I read you relate confinement to quarantine. 😀 It does look like that, doesn’t it?
For me, I am glad I didn’t need to follow those strict rules.
I guess these are the only rules I followed:

  • I did not go out of my house, unless I needed to go back to hospital and do a checkup for myself and my baby.
  • I did not let the wind blow directly to me, so I used air conditioner instead.

Rules I didn’t follow:

  • I still took shower and even washed my hair daily whenever the doctor said it’s okay for my wound.
  • I still walked up and down the stairs, as usual, as doctor recommended to walk more but slow.
  • I still drank normal water as usual, and I drank a lot, as it’s good for breast milk production.
  • I avoided ginger and wine because I was breastfeeding. I basically avoided all the food that might affect my breast milk production, if I know.
  • I was carrying my baby all the time as long as she wanted me to, and I even bathed her.

My mom took care of me during my confinement period, but for my second child, I took care of my baby and my elder son on my own most of the time, and my mom mostly just helped me to cook.

I still heard many moms nowadays following the rules, though they complained about it. I am glad my mom did not force me to follow those rules, I don’t think I am fine with those rules too. :p

I did not have high blood pressure or diabetes, actually I have been healthy throughout all my pregnancies. But, my first baby was too big for me, as I have smaller body frame, so I couldn’t push him out even I tried hard, and hence I had to go for emergency c-section.

May 25, 2016 at 10:49 pm

I’m not spending too much of my day here for sure.  I spend maybe and hour or so.  Today I’m spending more because I’m babysitting and the kids are amusing themselves (they are 10 and 12).  I would think 7-12 hours is too much but who am I to judge?  If being here isn’t disrupting a person’s life then they can be on here as long as they want to be.

May 25, 2016 at 10:54 pm

Today I have it logged on almost the whole day; I am resting and watching youtube and movies. Not very productive but I don’t care.