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May 12, 2016 at 8:31 am



thanks for your comments.

Page with no ownership- do you mean “Copyright allrights reserved by XXXX”?


Yes, I noticed that too. Does it mean we do not own our articles here?

Fortunately you had mentioned it. I need to ask the admin. Thanks !



I agree, sometimes I would just blog away , didn’t noticed how time had past!

It is indeed addictive to be online at different sites. Sometimes I became absorb into this virtual world, forgetting to pull myself out of it.

2-4 hours per day is sufficient. Let us just stay here and see how much we can earn by the end of the month , cheers!

May 12, 2016 at 8:35 am

@grecy095 I think listening to calls is really tiring, especially I heard that you might get your rating down if you review wrongly, right? That’s really taxing, hence I can understand how exhausted you are after the 8 hour work there.

If it makes you earn better for concentrating there, then perhaps it’s a good way to do so. Remember to take a little bit of rest after that. ๐Ÿ™‚

@peachpurple Actually I still spent time online during my confinement months for my first two children. I breastfed my babies, so I had to wake up quite frequently to feed them during the night. In order not to let myself fall asleep, I went online and read too. I also clicked on the ads as it didn’t require much effort. ๐Ÿ˜€

I do not know if I have any comments disappear, suny mentioned that too. Hope this will be fixed soon.

I understand when we stick to the computer, the children will follow too. That’s why before this, I try to only work in the early morning while the children are sleeping. It’s just that recently I am also rushing for my freelance software projects, so I really have to work while they are around. Glad that two of them can play together with each other well, but whenever they come into the study, I just go out with them without working. So I do get a lot of break time throughout the day. ๐Ÿ˜€

Good that you have such a good schedule for yourself. ๐Ÿ™‚

May 15, 2016 at 3:31 am

Today I have spent most of the day on here, except for a few hours when I took a nap.ย  I can see myself doing this most weekends.

I can also see myself spending most of my evenings on here.ย  I’m going to become addicted.

May 15, 2016 at 4:15 am

I don’t really keep track, however I always have a tab open for the site as I multitask with other sites.

May 15, 2016 at 1:25 pm



which site do you multi-task everyday?



wow, you are indeed a superb mommy!

I can’t do that. My mom in law would be nagging at me day and night.

She refused to let me out of the bed when I was in confinement month. She wouldn’t let me breastfed my baby during the day , only at night.

She said I had to sleep throughout the day like a PIG!!

And she sure fed me like a PIG!!

Anyway, breastfeeding baby throughout the day is very tiring but it is better to let the milk flow out than to become “hard” in the breast. Leaking milk is pretty embarrassing isn’t it?

Since you can sit up and work throughout your confinement month, I am sure you won’t stop your earnings.

Just remember to take a short nap in between to rest.

Will it be cesarean or normal birth delivery?

Both my kids were normal birth delivery.

Best of luck !!




May 15, 2016 at 3:48 pm

Its before 6 am and I’m already back.ย  Yes yes, I’m addicted for sure.

May 16, 2016 at 5:19 am

@peachpurple Glad that it’s my mom who takes care of me during my confinement period. But both my mom and mother in law know I am very stubborn, I insisted on breastfeeding my baby all the time, so though they would like me to rest more, they understand the benefits of direct breastfeeding, they didn’t stop me. I even bathed my second child and took full care of her during my confinement period. My mom was mainly just cooking for me. So, I was actually quite “enjoyable” during my confinement period, as I still lived as usual. Moreover I wanted to spend time with my elder son too as I didn’t want to leave him out when my second baby was born. Now that my two children can play together well, I think I will have more time to sleep.

I don’t think I will spend much time typing, as the typing sound can be quite noisy, but I will be able to read and watch some videos.

It will be a scheduled cesarean, so I know the delivery date, unless the baby really wants to come out earlier. Though I have been thinking of having natural birth, my first two were forced to have cesarean, so for the third one, I have no other choice. Anyway, as long as the baby is healthy, I am happy. ๐Ÿ™‚

May 16, 2016 at 5:41 am

I have not noted it down yet. But the last time I work here, it took six hours, but I do the multi-job by visiting other sites, doing some updates in my Facebook account, reading my emails, creating new posts for my sites, among others.

Now that I have realized the benefit of being hardworking, I could be spending more time here so that I could have my first cash-out. It would be a history in the making.

May 16, 2016 at 10:43 am



you sure are as addictive as I am !!


good to know that you mom and mom in law understand you well.

Stubborn but loving mom.

Wow, you even bath your child when you are in confinement? I thought you can’t touch water, don’t understand why old wives tale claimed that water brings wind, a lot of superstitions.

By the way, did you take your bath / shower during confinement period?

I wasn’t allowed to even “Ju sing” use wet hanky to wipe body. I had to abstain for shower for 30 days. Can you imagine the stinky sweat and germs on my body????

Yes, I have heard that if your first child was born thru cesarean , the rest of your babies are born thru the same way. There are some reasons which the doctor himself/herself knows.

However, it must be very painful cut across your tummy. How long would you have to bear the pain? 1 month?




May 16, 2016 at 10:47 am


thanks for your share.

Yup, your hours is almost same as mine.

I don’t look into my emails though because I have a lot of spam and junk mails.

Unless someone tells me to look into my email, then I will open it up.

I also visit Hubpages, Mykites and Blogjob after I have finish at Literacybase.

All together makes up 7 hours.

Yup, once you had hit the first $10, you could be earning and redeeming faster after that. Best of luck.



May 16, 2016 at 2:27 pm

@peachpurple My mom and mom in law have no choice, but to accept who I am. I am glad that they actually understand me, and respect me, they know I am doing all these good for my children. They know I really love my children.

Yes, I did take shower and wash my hair everyday. My mom in law was worried, but my mom was fine with it, as she did that during her confinement period too. She just wanted me to dry my hair always. I have heard that we can’t even drink those plain water, must boil with some herbs, but I still drink the normal boiled water I used to drink. I am glad I do not need to go through the “suffering” confinement period that I have heard from other moms.

If the first child was born through cesarean, the second child can still try with natural birth, but can’t go through induce labor. But if the first two were cesarean , then the third one has to be cesarean as well, as the percentage of the wound to be broken might be higher. I have consulted more than two doctors on this, so I have no choice but to go through cesarean again this time. ๐Ÿ™‚

It took me longer to recover for my first child, perhaps it was an emergency cesarean, I went through the natural birth process first. It took me more than 6 weeks to be able to walk well without pain. For my second child, it was quick, that’s why I could bathe and take care of my baby in less than a week.

Do you use gmail? I think gmail is quite good at filtering spam emails.

May 17, 2016 at 12:55 am

@peachpurple and @kaka135 ย As I was reading your comments, I was wondering what is “confinement” period after you have a baby? I am not familiar with this practice and was just curious. I like learning about different customs and such. I find it interesting.

I had C-sections with both of my children. I was induced twice with my first child because I was having issues with high blood pressure and they could not keep it down. Neither of the inducings worked so they had to take her out.


May 17, 2016 at 1:21 am

I was active at first and spent around two hours or more getting used to the site and explore my options. I also paid attention to the points that I earned, once it stopped, I stopped too. Last time, I checked in, which was three days ago, I posted in four forums, then the points stopped on me. I don’t see the reason to carry one, since it was not even a penny.

I have tendonitis in my wrists and I can’t contributing for too long without some sorts of incentives.

May 17, 2016 at 9:10 am



ouch, it must be very painful to go thru the C sec.

yes, both of us are Chinese, so we follow the Chinese traditional custom of confinement period.

Confinement means quarantine day ย in the home for 30 days. Some could extend to 60 days but I couldn’t stand it.

You see during these 30 days, mom is not allowed to take shower regardless cold or hot because water will induce backache as we grow older.

We have to keep our bodies warm in 30 days.

No shower, reduce touching the water, preferably use warm water when washing up face, brushing teeth.

In addition, mom is not allowed to walk out of the home. Cannot allow the wind to enter the body- same backache.

The point is our body is weak, immune system weak. So water and wind should be abstain.

Reduce the fan speed to No.1, use air-cond instead but low speed.

Food and drinks had to be warm even though the weather is hot.

Ginger and Chinese wine related food is highly recommended.

That makes the body become warmer.

But nowadays, mum would break the taboo. Some take shower after 1st week because can’t stand the hot weather.

My mother in law refused to let me down from the bed for 30 days except the loo. She serve breakfast, lunch and dinner in my bedroom.

Baby is not allowed in the room because I was filthy.

So mom and baby bonding was abstain.

That is why I salute kaka for her courage .

May 17, 2016 at 10:24 am

@morgoodie Glad that peach answered your question about confinement period, I wouldn’t be able to explain so well, as I didn’t really follow all the rules. I thought of going to research more about it before I can reply, glad to see peach has given you so many examples of the rules. ๐Ÿ˜€

I heard it’s not easy to go through natural birth when you have high blood pressure, it’d be safer to go for c-section, am I right? So, the second one went straight for c-section?

@icybc Sorry to hear you have tendonitis, that sounds painful to me, though I am not familiar with it. Is typing too much hurt as well?
The earnings for forum replies and blog posts based on the length. So, the more words you write, the better earnings you will get. I think the site encouranges us to write longer comments and posts now, so it pays according to the length. So, if it’s not too hurtful to your wrist, perhaps it’d be better to write longer comments and posts, so you will be more encouraged with the earnings. ๐Ÿ™‚