Author Posts

January 25, 2017 at 11:21 pm

@kaylar ~ This is a continuation of our discussion at your post title The Result of Sitting on Your Vote.  Placing links in comments usually causes comments to end up in “moderation”.  Came across an article and I know it wasn’t the intent of the article writer to provoke these thoughts within me.  The article certainly wasn’t supposed to be funny but I could certainly see the humor in it.  🙂 😀  Check it out!


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(with my added comments and observations. I think you’ll appreciate both the humor and the gravity or seriousness.)


January 25, 2017 at 11:52 pm

To me, he is extremely childish with  a limited vocabulary and brain capacity and dishonest. Very dishonest.

January 26, 2017 at 12:37 am

Childish” would be an excellent description, except that we understand that children have a sweetness and innocence about what they say or do and they mean no harm.


By the time you reach the age of 70, nobody should be applying that word to anything you say or do. Especially not if you’re in the highest Office in the country! People should be coming to you for wisdom, instruction and advice on how to do the right thing.


But I have to accept you use of the word “childish” because at the moment I can’t think of another more suitable word to apply to his actions. Or should I call them “distractions”?


I confess to having thoughts that perhaps the constant tweets are a convenient “smoke screen” to distract everyone from what’s really going on ~ that is to say, events that are NOT being Tweeted or reported in the media, “behind the scenes”.


I distinctly remember him asking the question, something to the effect “Does our government know how to keep secrets?” He used the attack on Mosul, as an example. Said that by the time we finished talking about what we were going to do via the media, when USA finally arrived in Mosul, “all the bad guys had left”.


There may be some truth in what he said. But on the other hand, my concern is:


  • How far is he willing to go to … “keep a secret”?


It’s a legitimate question and concern.


Between his own tweeting, and

– having US guessing because people “who need to know” have no clue what he thinks on very critical, serious and urgent issues, and

– hearing “nonsense” being reported on TV like … “Oh! When you talk to Trump in private, he’s a very different person from what you see and hear about him in the media. He really seems very sensible.”

*(Heard some sort of sillyness like that on one of those morning shows, like “Good Morning America” or something.)


Oh really?


So he seems a reasonable man when you talk to him in private, you say?


Uh huh.


Well if Mr. T. can be sensible in private, then as POTUS he should be even more sensible in public! TEN TIMES MORE SENSIBLE!!!



January 26, 2017 at 3:51 am

I have the impression, (perhaps more than an impression) that he is going to make America a laughing stock.  That being so unpredicable and dishonest, many countries are going to work around America.

For example, right now, most of the motorcycles coming into Ja are from China.  There are some from Japan.  None from America.  Cars are the German luxury types or Japanese.  Not American.  Televisions are coming from China.

At the supermarket there was some blueberries from America, and some tofu, but I bought local.  To get American made clothing there is one shop downtown.  Everywhere else is someplace else.

The Caribbean, Africa, is not important to America.  But they are important markets to China because of the sheer quantity.

I’m sure some other country will realise what China is doing and compete.  So that for the 3rd and 4th World American products would be unknown.


January 26, 2017 at 4:46 am

According to my opinion leaders like trump will be a good leader because his not afraid to say the truth

January 26, 2017 at 5:19 am

Truth?  The man is a bald faced liar.  He has lied throughout his life.  From day  one he has lied.  He has been caught in lies.  He thinks if he says something often enough and loud enough it becomes true.  That doesn’t work.

January 26, 2017 at 10:36 pm

Trump is the biggest joke that America ever made in their lifetime of ruling. I will call him an overgrown baby who does those things hes doing and still expects people to respect him. To be honest i really feel sorry for the American citizens, they’ve been cheated. American was agreat nation but only god knows where its leading to with such an ignorant leader. Many people thought it would be a good example to other countries, it was doing quite well but now i can only wonder. He’s hatred for certain people and countries is cause to worry, why does he hate? Does he think he can control everything with his money and powers? We have seen many rule with their fists, money and power and they died living behind what they had, and all that people said so many negative things about them.they never left a good mark behind. So what was all the money and power for if people never really benefited from your ruling. All these things are vanity let trump humble himself and pray that he never falls short of his money because millions also diminish in our lives.

January 27, 2017 at 1:09 am

It is not going to be lovely in the US.  Perhaps many people who are trying to ‘smuggle’ themselves into the United States will realise it isn’t worth it.

January 27, 2017 at 3:12 am

United States has an economical an political conflict previous to the consolidation between north a south. The country is by nature an inmigrant colony of Europe and with robotics they are able to sustitute Latin American ilegal workforce.

Since the World War II the identity of the north occidental culture is define as the constant figth with Asia. The last 60 years has been the major global economy. Their main goal was inspired and built a capital confortable world for each individual. But now, the ancient china has reached a no back point to be the first one.

Americans are confused of their future and the populism is the only short term solution to have an impact that matters with real changes. Be aware to learn this leason and work hard to built your future.


January 28, 2017 at 8:31 am


I respect your courage to speak out, but I disagree with a lot of what you’ve said. I’ll narrow it down to what I think (I said “I think”) is the most significant of the points you presented.



It’s a bit too early to start feeling sorry for the American citizens. In case you haven’t heard via the news reports, Americans are making their voices heard, their concerns are being publicized, they are not the least bit afraid to disagree the leaders and/or protest, etc. When we can’t do that any more, then you can feel sorry for US.


January 28, 2017 at 8:33 am

Oh! If only! That would sure fix our immigration problems! That’s not going to happen.  That’s just wishful thinking.  🙂


January 28, 2017 at 8:37 am


  • Some of US are confused.
  • Some of US are indifferent and don’t care.
  • Some of US are ignorant and unaware.
  • Some of US know how to stand up for our rights and in doing so, all the citizens reap the benefits of US taking a stand.

Greetings to you! 🙂


January 28, 2017 at 9:08 am


I disagree that he is going to make America a laughing stock. If for no other reason than, in order for America to be made into a laughing stock, that would mean he himself would have to be made into a “laughing stock”.  He’s American too!



  • It’s one thing if comedy shows like Saturday Night Live and The Daily Show can write skits about you and it’s one if late night talk show hosts like Stephen Colbert, Jimmie Fallon, etc. can take a few “jabs”.  That’s just joking.  Trump may not like the jokes or appreciate the humor.  But he gets that its is comedy.



  • It’s an entirely different thing to make a fool of yourself on the world stage. Trump is not ready or even planning on doing that TO HIMSELF!  Cause that’s not funny!   He knows that will be his history IF HE DID!


January 28, 2017 at 8:24 pm

Jay grance – Not afraid to say the truth??  Oooh boy! I lean more toward the response by kaylar regards your comment.  It’s kind of hard to digest what you said!  Maybe it’s because I just woke up and haven’t had a breakfast yet.  But my stomach nerves started jumping when I read what you wrote.  Not afraid to say the truth??  Sorry but I need verification.  Fact check please!  I’m not just taking that statement at face value!


January 28, 2017 at 9:55 pm

If you were with me in Jamaica right now, you’d hear how people are laughing at him and America. You’d know that America is NOT the world, that people have other opinions and as Jamaica is not Politically Correct, we express them.