Author Posts

September 9, 2016 at 10:52 am

I had redeemed my first payment in Tinycent. It seems promising to have redemption as m first attempt. However, a prompt appeared after pressing the redemption button. I was informed that they will call within 24 to 48 hours. Are they really going to call? How long will I wait to receive my first payment through Paypal? 

September 9, 2016 at 11:26 am

@shavkat  I have been paid twice and third one redeemed just to take advantage of the earlier rate of one cent is still pending although it has not reached  the minimum 25 dollars which was the earlier limit.

Would be interesting to now when you will get paid as that will show their continued sincerity.

September 9, 2016 at 12:15 pm

I have redeemed my first payment on tinycent about a week back. So far I have not received any phone call or email from them. I feel bad about that. At least they should have informed me through an email that my redemption have been received and is under process of payment, something like that. Keeping quite like this does not augurs well for a growing site. In today’s scenario, I find no site is worth appreciating. All are …

September 9, 2016 at 12:33 pm

@bestwriter It is really nice to know that you had received your first two payments from the site. I hope they will have some confirmation when are they going to process the payment. For the mean time, I will stop posting in Tinycent. Since I set a trial and error for having the minimum payout from the site.

@raaman One week seems very long to wait. I guess I need to wait for their payment then. I also doubt about the prompt if they are really going to call prior to the release of the payment. I am also waiting for the LB to pay my first payout and I haven’t received any.

September 9, 2016 at 3:08 pm

@Shavkat, Congrats friend. you have so many sites to attain to.How I like to join at Tiny cents , but since it is tiny I am afraid the pay is also tiny hehehehe.I hope your pay at TC is already released through pay pal. I am so happy for all of you here who are also at Tiny cents.

September 9, 2016 at 4:13 pm

@shavkat, Here is an email I received a while ago. As per that, seven days is getting over. So, I should get my first redemption today or tomorrow. Let me see.


4:05 PM (42 minutes ago)

Hey there,

We hope you are doing great today.

We recently found that you have redeemed your payments from TinyCent
account and we are currently processing the payments.  It would take
3-7 working days for you to receive  the payment to your respective
PayPal (or) Bank account updated with TinyCent.

In case of any queries please do email us on

Thank You, Cheers


September 9, 2016 at 6:54 pm

@ Rajaraman K I have also received the same email today. I have already been waiting for my third payment since 8 days. So I assume that this email means another 3-7 days.

September 9, 2016 at 7:29 pm

Mine is different. It just took effect a couple of minutes. This is what I received from my email:

Hey there,

Congratulations  !!!!

We heard that you have redeemed  your  earnings from TinyCent.  That was really a great going !!     Your earning will be credited to  latest updated bank account in few minutes, mean while you can also  find the  below details regarding your earnings.

Total Number Of Views    1438
Earnings In USD          $14.38 USD

That was a great job by you !!!

Thank you  for being a part of TinyCent community, Have a great moments ahead


September 9, 2016 at 10:16 pm

@nakitakona13 congrats! seems like they have started processing payments and i hope i will get mine soon.

September 10, 2016 at 12:32 am

Shavkat  – OK.  You and the others have convinced me.  Also, this time when I visited the site, the page loaded properly and I could see the articles.  This site was on my my “No No” list.  I am going to sign up and give it a try.  Got nothing to lose.  It’s free to join!  🙂

September 10, 2016 at 11:16 am

@ Shavkat  Congrats for reaching your payment. I am sure you will get it soon. I am waiting for my payment since a week. Look like we all get paid together. Let’s see.

September 10, 2016 at 12:50 pm

Good to hear that.  I just read from someone in Mylot that he had gotten his payment in less than 24 hours after redemption.

I thought that was quick.

Perhaps the owner of Tinycent faced internet access issue, and  had just started to process payment.

September 10, 2016 at 11:33 pm

@ Treathyl FOX  I t’s easy to reach the first payment there which is low – only 5$. Give it a try.

@naruto100  I have also been waiting for more than a week now. And now thee’s this email which says we will receive the payment within 3-7 days. Let’s see!

@scheng1 I think Lee Ka got paid within 24 hours…or may be it was Grecy! For me, it’s been 7 days to receiver payment each time.

September 10, 2016 at 11:51 pm

shaloo walia ~ I don’t know what it is but I am having problems at the site. It’s acting kind of quirky. Will have to recheck later. It’s probably easy to reach the $5 pay out. But after that how easy is it to reach the $15 pay out. Also, you can’t earn for commenting, like here at LiteracyBase. Am I right or wrong about that?

September 11, 2016 at 3:55 pm

@lovern You can try to join TC. I had received their payment a few days back. I just wanted to maximize my time and energy. Christmas is fast approaching. We need to have an extra cash for it.

@Rajaraman I think that I was lucky. I had received my payment on the same day of redemption. Thanks for the information. I will also anticipate that payment duration will be 3 to 5 days .

@nakitakona13 I also felt surprised. I had also received the payment on the same day. It was really an impressive way to be paid that fast.

@cmoneyspinner I think it is worth it. You can also join. The site is legit as they had paid me recently.

@scheng1 It was really too fast. I guess we just need to grab the opportunity and enjoy writing in different sites.