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February 24, 2017 at 3:53 pm

Everything I mention is on Google Play, but I don’t really know which will work in other countries. I am English and live in England so I will be talking in £’s and not $. I don’t think we are allowed to put referral links in so I will just bold and let you do your own search if you want to. All of these involve at least my Smartphone if not my laptop as well.

Qmee is a survey site and you can also download a toolbar.  I rarely make more than a few pennies on searches, but I do well on the surveys. This morning I think I got about 44p in 10 minutes. I don’t qualify for surveys on many sites so this is a really useful addition. I use the app on my phone as well as in my browser.

Embee Meter is an absolute favourite of mine. It works by running in the background on your phone or tablet and gives you 15 points a day. That means I can cash out £1 to my Paypal every 10 days on three different devices or wait on them until I have 500 points and get £5. You are allowed to run the meter on three devices.

Of course, everyone knows about Swagbucks. I find I do fine with having one of my browsers running the toolbar as when I write I do a lot of searches for information. I also run the videos, usually the cookery ones, each day. The odd £5 is handy.

I am trying Perk T.V but not so sure tha t is going to be a waste of time.

MyLot is fun, but I do that more for the interaction than the money.

My final one is MobileXpressions. This is another phone app that runs in the background on my phone. I get a point a week towards a John Lewis card so a £5 card every 10 weeks.  I should have signed up so I got an Amazon card as that would be more useful, but I save the vouchers to buy birthday presents for family.

Maybe it is not much compared to some, but it helps me a lot.

February 24, 2017 at 4:28 pm

Would be great to earn so extra money through those site but unfortunately most of them like swag bucks and qmee don’t work in South Africa. Are there any sites you know of that are worldwide available?

February 24, 2017 at 4:35 pm

I wish I did as I really appreciate that a £ or a $ here in the UK is chicken feed, but to those in some other countries it can really make a difference.

The only thing to do is to go to Google Play or something and experiment.

When Bubblews worked one of my reasons for writing there was I felt people actually got an amount that made a difference for their lives and felt so angry when the earnings stopped. I guess this is one of the nearest things since.

February 28, 2017 at 3:53 pm

I have never tried any of the apps that run in the background on your phone mostly because I don’t want my battery dying quickly. I just installed Foap for selling photos but other than that I stick to mylot, niume and literacybase.

Hopefully new ones will appear soon.

February 28, 2017 at 4:27 pm

I tried perk TV but it is now extremely slow. Now a days I am using Smartmedia Panel from Google. And it is earning me around 2$ a month from running it in background. And I can cashout on 10$. So every 5 months I can cashout. Another app is I worked with is tapcash. So it’s fun but I would prefer to get better earning. And so far no signs for that.

March 4, 2017 at 7:25 pm

One way I get around the space issue on my phone is to uninstall and reinstall some apps according to when I want to use them. Of course, you cannot do that with the ones that run in the background on your phone.

March 5, 2017 at 1:09 pm

I just cleaned up some of the space from tablet. And though it is old tablet and may not run for long. I think i can use some of the above mentioned apps. I want to also use the tapcash on this tab. But so far not much luck with that. I just found out that it can be tiresome to use the tapcash for some of such issues. I just don’t think phone would do much good in this case. But I’d surely try it out though. Thanks for listing these apps.

March 6, 2017 at 12:48 am

Do you use other writing sites like Literacybase and mylot?  I am interested in such sites more than the background apps and survey sites.

March 6, 2017 at 2:24 am

Thanks, I guess it would be helpful for all of us, who is looking to make some extra bucks online

March 6, 2017 at 9:05 am

I’m always on the lookout for better (not more) opportunity to make some extra cash. Surveys would be a good source unfortunately they are geo-targeted. GPT/PTC sites takes a lot of your time and earn you pennies. I write on sites like this in hope of improving my writing and maybe qualify for better paying writing gigs in the near future.

March 6, 2017 at 9:38 am

I am in it but barely ever use it. Harder to get swagbucks nowadays.

March 10, 2017 at 9:47 pm

I recently joined Mylot it’s a nice platform.I enjoy the interaction between the members. Moreover it’s a great place for learning. If you have any question concerning any thing, you are sured someone will provide you with the’s easy to earn money as well.

March 10, 2017 at 10:14 pm

Hi Mathews, Mylot is a good place. But considering it requires more efforts to make money there. I think it’d be worth our time if we spend that elsewhere. Atleast that is what I’d do if I had so much time in my hands. I have spent the time on forums and comments. But I think spending time answering stuff on forums is lot better. Doing some app work can be good too. It just makes you think that it takes time here. But compared to mylot, I think other places are gaining more returns for your effort.

March 15, 2017 at 8:55 pm

Jacky Hughes –  Out of all the ones you mentioned I only know of two:  myLot and Swagbucks.  If a mobile device is required then I won’t participate because I don’t have a phone.  I wrote a detailed account of all my experiences trying to earn money by writing online.  The sites that are still up and running; and the sites no longer exist.  It’s not  an impossible dream but it sure does take patience, persistence and perseverance.  🙂

Online Writing Communities


March 16, 2017 at 10:23 pm


This is the places where i try and make money or actually do. I am on various sites but some are harder than others.