Author Posts

September 22, 2016 at 5:28 pm

@peachpurple  I was on this site quite long ago. As far as I remember I have worked on it for a month. But I found that earning was really slow. Or may be I wasn’t that good at that time. So I left it completely. After that I have never tried it. I have heard that many users are earning lot on this site but may be I have lose all hopes after one experience. Right now sites like LB is working great for me so I am concentrating on them.

September 22, 2016 at 6:58 pm

I have been a member of Hubpages from 2008 and had almost 350 articles on that site until 2012 but then I did not find things going my way and deleted all my posts without having a back up of my 1000 plus worded posts. I did not write there for earning purpose because I never earned a single cent on that site- reason- I never applied any advert site on Hubpages but enjoying the interaction with a large community.

September 22, 2016 at 7:57 pm

@suny  As far as I remember I have attached my adsense account with it.(I hope I am not wrong). But still I didn’t able to get any good result from around 10 articles. I don’t remember what I have done with those articles as I have never gone through that site again. And after that I guess I have not tried out any other articles writing sites for long. I guess I have joined another one after you recommended one. May be EC. 

September 22, 2016 at 9:10 pm

As a Matter of fact, I have.   I’ve taken the item, enlarged it and published a number of them.   So the possibility is real.  I know two good ebook sites… free… so you can take the item, and now having to puff it a bit to make their 2.5k minimum, you put in the details, enlarge the information that you would have left out for an item that you felt ought not be longer than 1k words.

September 22, 2016 at 10:18 pm


That’s a smart way to handle a project that big! I just posted to your timeline on Facebook.


September 23, 2016 at 10:22 am

@ suny I mainly published my poems on the site and some articles on astrology and vastu. But even with 107 hubs, I managed to earn just 5$ in a year. But I made some good connections there and I must say that the valuable feedback I got there helped me improve a lot as a writer. Hubpages is far better than other sites when it comes to quality of writing.

@naruto100 Same here…no results even after 107 hubs. I am now deleting the hubs and moving them on my own sites.


September 23, 2016 at 11:39 am

@shaloo walia  107 hubs, mean 107 articles … Right? Well, and how much you earned with them so far? Yes if they are not worthy better to skip them. Even for me it not worked well, so I left it many years ago. But like you I didn’t move them, may be they are still on hubpages . Not sure. as I am never active on that site. So don’t even know if my account exist there any more or not. But certainly we can earn lot more using other sites.

September 23, 2016 at 2:05 pm

@ naruto100  107 hubs included articles as well as poems. I still have 97 hubs there as I am moving them slowly. 1-2 hubs per week to my own sites. And as far as earnings are concerned, just 5$ in a year.