Author Posts

May 8, 2016 at 4:23 pm

@peachpurple I am a part of hubpages earnings program. I guess you are right. Though I have many articles on hubpages but majority are poems. That may be the reason for low earnings.

May 9, 2016 at 11:20 am

So numerous words to write there, bu I haven’t tried to apply. Thanks Peach.

May 20, 2016 at 2:34 pm




thanks for your share.

It will take time to start earning there.

Around 700 words per hub would be sufficient, less than that, it is hard to get the hub featured.

When the hub is not featured, your posts will not be visible among the writers, they can’t see your articles on the front page nor search.


They could only see your unfeatured hubs under your profile page only.



May 20, 2016 at 3:14 pm

@peachpurple I think it’s good that you can still earn 15-20 cents every day. That’s passive income. Hubpages seem to be quite popular, and I have not thought of joining it as I think it’s for professional writer.
So the site actually still accepts new registration and pays the members, but just the earning is not as good as before?

Is that your own writing in the picture? The cursive handwriting is really beautiful!

I would recommend LiteracyBase, as we can earn USD$10 per month here. 🙂

May 20, 2016 at 6:56 pm

@peachpurple I have an account but I don’t post anything; I have a very big aversion toward the sites where you can knock down another person account without a firm evidence that a person done anything wrong.

@slayer08 I’m pretty much disappointed by Hubpages. At teh first it seemed like a cool site to be, later it turned to be an average misery. I don’t know what to say.

May 21, 2016 at 3:32 pm

@peachpurple I know…It’s a rather slow site and most of the seasoned hubbers have already stopped being active on the site. I don’t understand the reason though. If someone is regularly getting payments from the site even when they are not active then wouldn’t it be worth it to at least publish 2-3 hubs a month.

As for me, I think the reason I am not earning there is that most of my hubs are poems which are of course less than 700 words. The other reason may be because I have very less followers only 42-43. So I guess this means that page views will be less.

I would appreciate if you could check out my profile there and may be suggest me a few things as to what I need to do there. My username on hubpages is the same as here.

June 6, 2016 at 10:37 am

No i am not a writer on Hubpages. I wrote there about 2 years back and then I got my account deleted.

June 6, 2016 at 10:49 am

@ Manasi Any particular reason that you got your account deleted?

June 6, 2016 at 1:32 pm


ok, I will drop by at your hubs at Hubpages, since I visit there daily after I had reached my goal here.

You are right, since I do receive earnings daily, I should write 1 hub per month.

Honestly, I have not written for more than 6 months already.

I wanted to backup all my hubs there first before I continue to post new hubs.

Every writing site is not stable now. Better be safe than sorry.

Same here, i backup all my posts at LB too. Just to be safe


June 6, 2016 at 1:37 pm


yes I am very curious, why did Hubpages deleted your account?

There must be some reasons.

Normally, Hubpages account stayed in Hubpages for years even without any activities.

I saw many writers that had registered for 6 -8 years, had not been active for the last 4 years, account still there, hubs still there

June 6, 2016 at 1:38 pm

Hubpages, Blogjob, PostLoop, MyKites are some of the common writing online earnings mentioned by the members I used to meet or to be with a particular site. I have heard Hubpages, but I have never been there or have joined so far. What does it has in common with the rest online writing sites I have mentioned? I don’t know if I am too late to join with those sites.

June 6, 2016 at 1:51 pm

HUBPAGES did not delete my account

I deleted it myself, because i transferred all my hub articles to my personal blog. Hubpages earnings was too slow for me, blogspot works better for me.

June 6, 2016 at 2:26 pm

@ peachpurple Yeah, it’s always good to have a backup. I wish I had backed up my posts on Bubblews. I lost all posts when the site went down without a warning.

June 6, 2016 at 6:50 pm


hubpages is alike squidoo, at least 700 words per post, original content, any topics will do.


It takes 24 hours for the admin to check your post before publish.

If your post has good content, you will have a black H  that means featured hub, everyone can see your post .

But if your post has a half moon, it means, not featured, only readers who goes to your profile page can see your post.

It is not seen elsewhere even under category search.

The best thing about Hubpages is your post will have traffic for a long time even though you are not active.

As long you had shared your post url link at sharemedias, you will keep earning daily.

I have not post for 6 months but still earning daily.

I do admit that earning is very low , I earn around 15-20 cents daily.

You can join in anytime, just let me know, I will email my referral link to you.


June 6, 2016 at 6:53 pm


OIC, from your wordings, I thought that Hubpages deleted your account.

So, it was you who had closed your own account.

No wonder.

Hubpages never close anyone account as far as I know.

Glad to know that you are earning more at your own blog