Author Posts

May 6, 2016 at 1:31 pm

taken by peachpurple

taken by peachpurple



I have been a member of Hubpages for 6 years.

In the beginning, I was very active, publishing 120 hubs in the first 4 years.

I was paid promptly USD$50 upon the min payout auto into my paypal account.

I don’t have to worry about the payments. It is always punctual.

However, since the Google Panda and other problems, Hubpages ranking had dropped to the drain.

Many writers are leaving, some still staying there like me.

I not really that active but I still leave comments in forums and questions answers.

I don’t post hubs anymore until I see some changes.

However, I do still earn 15-20 cents daily even though I don’t log in daily.

That is the best part about Hubpages.

Are you active there?


May 6, 2016 at 10:38 pm

I have heard of Hubpages, but have not signed up with them. From what you have wrote about it, it seems like a very low paying site for the amount of work you have done in the time you have been there. I am not sure that I would be able to sustain my patience with that site. However, different sites work for different people. I am keeping my options open and would like to find something that is going to work well for me. I hope you keep having luck there.

May 7, 2016 at 5:21 am

I have been hearing about Hubpages since time immemorial and most of my friends were there before. I haven’t tried writing articles there. I want to know how though. I also want to know why are you earning those cents even if you not logging in @peachpurple.

May 7, 2016 at 10:59 am

I also haven’t experienced joining at Hubpages.How does this site serve the members?

May 7, 2016 at 11:06 am

I am on hubpages since two years and have close to 102 published hubs but yet to earn from there. I have not even earned 5$ yet and to reach the minimum threshold of $50 will take years. This has been really demotivating and now I am focusing on my own sites.

May 7, 2016 at 11:53 am



honestly, with 102 hubs, you could start earning money through Hubpages earning program.

You can also earn thru adsense and amazon plus ebay.

I chose Hubpages earning program, had been earning my USD$50 through there. I had been there for 6 years so, I had earn some money there.

You also need to share your hubs url at the social media sites.

Beleive me, it does help to increase your external traffic to your hubs.

Then, your earning will increase.

Have you applied the Hubpage earning program?

May 7, 2016 at 12:04 pm

@peachpurple I am using adsense and amazon affiliate program on my hubpages account. I have been mainly publishing my poetry on hubpages. I guess this could be one of the reasons of the low earnings there. May be there aren’t much takers of poetry!

May 7, 2016 at 12:10 pm


hubpages is alike Helium, Squidoo, a site where you post your articles of  min 700 words or more.

The more the merrier. The admin will check your post first, just like here at LiteracyBase, before they publish your post.

Takes around 24-48 hours.

Mine normally posted in 1 day.

You can share your post at social media, sharing button on your left hand side of the page.

You can earn money through Hubpages Eearning program, ebay, adsense, amazon.

The number of views affects your earning. How they calculate, I don’t know.

But, I will earn around $5-$10 per month and cash out in 5 months, USD$50 is the min payout.

Auto goes into your paypal account. No charges for Asians.

May 7, 2016 at 12:13 pm


OIC. Poetry are not well received at Hubpages. Most poems are 300 or less words, right?

You won’t get much traffic below 700 words.

But, why didn’t you join the Hubpages earning program?

When you join this, you get more earnings than adsense.

Adsense, you have to wait USD$100 to cash out in cheque.

Hubpages Earning Program, USD$50 into your paypal

Why not register it?


May 7, 2016 at 12:18 pm


good question my dear.

Sometimes I wondered the same question myself.

I have not publish any post(hubs) in a 6 months.

But I did log in once a while, particiapate in answering questions and forums, 10 comments only and then log out.

I could go missing from Hubpages for 2 months but my earning is increasing day by day.

You see, as long you did some actions in the past, posted quality hubs and shared in social medias, your traffic is there.

So, you don’t have to bother about it.

I had cashed out USD$50 twice this year, believe it or not and I wasn’t active.

That is why I chose to stay put at Hubpages.



May 7, 2016 at 12:25 pm



thank you for your kind comments.

I understand that some people do not have the patience in waiting for the money to increase.

it is a slow paying site, I must admit.

Some of our old pioneer writers are leaving while others like me are staying there.

Honestly, we don’t know where to go.

If you can find a good site that pays USD$10 per month, you should go for it and recommend me too!

Hubpages was my first writing online site in 6 years and I had been paid all this while without any worries.


May 7, 2016 at 9:17 pm

I also am a member of hubpages and I try to be active again. I hope they’ll be up soon like before. But I think I’m also going to try other websites.

May 8, 2016 at 4:01 am



really? I didn’t see your username at Hubpages.

Did you used another username? Let me know so that I could visit your hubs.

Yes, I have not been active too just like you.

I also wish that Hubpages would improve the ranking and traffic.

They had also created 3 new sites and transferred those good quality hubs to those sites.

You can’t find those hubs at Hubpages anymore but the links are there.

Of course, you don’t have to stay put on Hubpages 24 hours per day.

I had also ventured elsewhere besides commenting there.

You just can’t put all your eggs in one basket right?

Once it is broken, you are gonna cry over split milk and it wouldn’t do you any good either.

Just remember to drop by at the forum and Answer question once in a while. That would keep your badges and hubs moving.

May 8, 2016 at 8:10 am

Thanks for explaining Hubpages. I misunderstood you about the payout that you have received. I was thinking that you got $50 for the whole time you were at the site. LOL So that makes sense to make around $10 a month so that is not too bad. I am not sure that I could do 700 words for a post though. I like the 300-400 range as I can come up with something for those. I am just getting into writing blog posts so I need to get a little bit more experience. I am glad that you have good luck there and can make money without putting in too much effort. That is the best way to make money in my opinion.

May 8, 2016 at 11:07 am


thanks very much for your reply.

I am glad that you had understood what I had wrote because sometimes I do give wrong information that writers misunderstood me.

Maybe, I am not clear enough in terms of explaining stuff.

Yes, I had been getting prompt payments as long as my earning reached USD$50, every 5 months , approximately.

Hence, I had been receiving hundreds of dollars from Hubpages all these 6 years.

You could go for poems or recipes with around 400-500 words per post.

Remember to use pixabay or your own photos.

Hubpages dislikes “stolen photos” and use keywords.

I am sure that you can do well there since you write write better comments than me.

Anyway, at the moment, I had found one Hubber here, no news from anyone yet.