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February 4, 2017 at 2:50 am

This is a new series about the possibility of trying to understand how our lives would be if we did not have Computers.

1)  If there were no computers the world would have been rid of many of the diseases which are associated with it like eye problems related to use of computers, carpel tunnel syndrome, sleeplessness, electromagnetic radiation from computers and many more such health issues.

2) If we did not have computers we would have had lots of time in our life for other activities as the software takes quite a lot of time to get ready ones the system is switched on and we have to keep waiting doing something else waiting for it to start and be ready. According to one study we would have saved 33 percent of our time. That is we would having thirty three percent more time to work.

3) Many people who lost their jobs and their homes were displaced due to job loss because of arrival of computers could have worked and cared for their families well.

4) If computers were not there we would also not have a booming information technology industry consisting of hardware, software, and factories which manufacture such systems related to computers. So one big chunk of humanity would have been doing something else than what they are doing now.

5) Absence of computers would have led to no improvement in health services as operations now are performed using computer technology like EEG, MRI and other scans.

6) Should there have been no computers there would be more people required to service clients in a company. Thus the number of people employed would have been more and things would have looked different with some different technology in place.

7) There would have been no online and betting industry, many would not have lost money as work would have been manual and transactions would have been a bit slow and  the reach of the end product would also have become low and taken more time.

8) There would have been a good booming sale of greeting cards as there would have been no e mail. Postal services and telegrams would have had a new and different technology and would be thriving well as compared to what their condition is now.

9) Credit cards or other cards and e payments would not have existed thus cyber crime would have been reduced so would have  crimes of bullying and stalking or intimidation. Service providers would not be there, there would be some different kind of provider who would have filled the space and be providing service.

10) The amount of troubles between couples due to cell phones, face book and other forms of social network which we see leading to break ups would have been much less. People would have spent maybe more time with their families and with themselves. They would be more outgoing and would have been socializing more. Writers would have had to publish more books or written in magazines and news papers rather than sites and blogs.

What is your take on this issue. Please think about it and put your thoughts across.



  • This topic was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by  Krishna Kumar.

February 4, 2017 at 10:47 am

Of course , in everything , there will be the pros and cons.

As with the emergence of computers , I think the pros outweighs the cons , because if we only know how to limit our computer use , we will not be getting those sickness related to being in front of computers a long time.

As always too , in everything, moderation is what we need.

February 4, 2017 at 2:21 pm

Agree with you in life moderation is the key to stay healthy. Appreciate the inputs provided.

February 4, 2017 at 7:19 pm

Well life with and without computers…..hmm. …sometime I go back may be before 70 to 100 years… was simple and people were humble….I mean imagine life without mobile phones….life without gadgets. …I heard from my grandpa… was extremely cool and slow but steady……….but now a days life with Co. Peters and gadgets. …..With in a blind man of second  you can communicate with ur friends with thousands of km and you can see whole world with cool gadgets like yahoo…

February 4, 2017 at 11:16 pm

Even though Computers have their drawbacks but they have helped in finding quicker solutions in Space, Medical realm, Manufacturing industry and we can’t say that they have lead to everything negative.

February 5, 2017 at 12:54 am

True agree with you as I have mentioned advancements in the field of medical technology because of technology like computers. That is the positive side of the technology. While many of technologies are similar since no one has invented we are unaware but there are many things which are better which exist of which we have no knowledge of but even during ancient times there have been technologies which were similar to television and telepathy which is nothing but the use of air waves attuned to ones frequency somehow the technology got lost and we came to invent computers and there are technologies better than computers which are hid from common man and used by countries in defense purposes. Which governments are very secretive about divulging. One more thing is anyone discovers or invents anything which is better he will have a serious threat to his life as the old technology which has many multinationals will be totally wiped out. But in a few years technological evolution has to reach a next stage of development. It is only a matter of time, place and requirement and the right kind of mind working on it. Thank you for all for the inputs.