Author Posts

December 4, 2016 at 3:32 pm

Weekends are the time when one needs to recharge their batteries to be ready for the coming week. It is a time for rest, introspection, pondering what could have been done in a better way, ways to manage time judiciously to name a few. Mentioned below are some of the best things one can do on an weekend.

– Make time for family friends this is important especially for those who do no get time to spend time with all members to be together. It is a time to renew bonds.

– Do something together like pursuing a hobby,  doing something new, avoiding things which are mundane any activity which lets you connect with society.

– Give time for yourself too as this is the day on which batteries of the mind, body and soul get recharged for you to be rearing to go for the week ahead with full enthusiasm.

– Try to do something which you are passionate about and are unable to pursue the same on weekends due to your hectic schedule and fast paced life.

– Try to slow your nerves and energy down and take one thing at a time on weekends do not do things in a rush and try to maintain the same weekly routine, else it would turn out to be another working day and you will end up being tired the coming week which takes a toll on ones work and life.

– Try to identify what your body and other needs are and take time out to address these issues. Do not try to ignore them as they effect you in the long run and you would not know at that time what hit you and events tend to change dramatically overnight.

– There are different forms of meditation in our country choose the one which you feel comfortable with and feel happy pursuing it on a regular basis as a routine. As it has a very positive affect on all aspects of your life and makes you slow down the pace which is very essential.

– If you like to go out plan a week end vacation and enjoy the same to the best you can. If you are a home bird then there as and equal number of activities like gardening, cleaning, reading, meeting and engaging in discussions with members of the family. You are their role model if they see you doing something consistently even they would enjoy following your footsteps as every one would want a break.

– Try to detoxify your mind, body and soul their are different ways to do so in the modern system as well as all the ancient systems. It will help you rid of the negative thought, actions, energies and magnetic fields which would have caught up with you.

– Remember it is always better to be safe than to be sorry. If you haven’t thought about anything specific choose one to the best of your liking and have a great time and be blessed with good health and positive energy.

Dear readers if you want to add anything which will be of use please do so in the comments section.