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December 10, 2016 at 12:51 am

The earliest modes of transport used to be our legs, which got subsequently shifted to animals as human civilization progressed. In the olden times people used to lift and transport the rich and wealthy or the royalty. Even till date such a practice is still prevalent. The surprising thing is that we can find these primitive modes in use effectively even in this century which is supposed to be the technological era. This proves the old saying “Old is Gold” to be true as there are many cattle fairs all over the world taking place and the cattle, live stock and animals seem to command high value.  The animals which are used in transport are donkeys, mules, camels, cows, oxen, buffaloes, ostrich,(bird), elephants, horses to name a few.

Once the wheel was invented it got integrated into every mode of transport by blending easily with each and every technology that kept developing over the years. There are now different modes of transporting people or goods from one location to another. Cars, trucks, carts, buses, bicycles, motor cycles, rails and trams are some modes of surface transport. Helicopters gliders, airplanes,  parachutes and hot air balloons are some modes of transport by air. While boats, ships, ocean liners, hover crafts, yachts, ferries and tankers move people or cargo across a sea, ocean canal, river or lake and are some modes of transport by water.

Merchant submarines a small type of submarine intended for trade is also a mode of water transport. It can dive under polar ice and serve as an efficient mode of transport where most other vehicles cannot even operate. Another highly efficient mode of transport is maglev, an unconventional transportation system which is meant for mass transport at a fast pace. In this the train glides above the rail track, instead of running along it. On snow even ski’s, jet ski, jet scooter and trucks are some other means of transport.

Whether it be trucks, trains, aeroplane or any other mode of transport. All these modes of transport make use of the wheel, which can be considered an invention that kicked off the birth of some of mankind’s earliest modes of transport  as mentioned above. Even futuristic cars that are powered by engines designed for aircraft’s owe part of their existence to the invention of  this humble but efficient and excellent device. The concept of the wheel is a simple wooden disk with a hole for the axle. It is even used for pottery and it is even used in the rockets in the form of space shuttle for travel to outer space and to land on return.

The Journey of transport is still in its infancy and has a long way to go as science and technology develops leading to improved technologies and inventions and new improvisations. As times change so will be the transportation technology to keep up with the changing times. Something like teleporting  which seems impossible will also be possible. These are exciting times and anything is possible for the human mind. It is only the spark that has to ignite the idea leading to the invention.

December 10, 2016 at 1:43 pm

Those changes in terms of transportation are an image of how fast technologies are.

Thanks to those innovators who are improving such things as cars, airplanes, or ships. It is a big help for us to easily go to places we want to go.

In times of emergencies, transportation is a great help.

We can also travel around the world through transportations.

December 10, 2016 at 2:08 pm

Could not agree with you more. Many new technologies are going to come and research is already being done at an advanced stage in cases like hyper plane, Tunneling using transport to go and settle in other planets all. All this and more will happen as different new types of fuel and raw material to build these systems are being invented. Will keep you posted of any new developments through Knowledge is Power Use It Wisely articles.