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February 10, 2017 at 10:09 pm

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Everything about the future is uncertain, but one thing is for sure that Shiva has already planned all our tomorrows, we just have to trust him today. Shiva knows the past, present and future. It’s you who loses hope. Keep hope in him in hopeless times, his hope is surer than the sun rising in the morning.

You can know for certain that He will never allow us to suffer beyond our own capabilities to handle it.There is nothing on this earth more certain than hope in God. He will never leave us nor will He ever forsake us. His plans are not intended to harm you but to prosper you.

God knows your future and is planning it better than anyone else can, even ourselves. Trust him completely. He is our father, he is our mother. He is always offering us hope that all things will work out for their best despite what today may seem like. He is pleased when we put our hope in Him and when we trust his unconditional love.We are finite creatures and can not look beyond today but God has planned every step we take.

He guides us and protects us, even in areas where there are dark shadows. We might plan our own course but He himself determines where our steps go. Be strong, be courageous! When you have Mahadev, then even if you are consumed with worry because you don’t know what comes next, Then you can be sure that he is the only one who will guarantee your future.!

Love, light & peace – Hari Om Tat Sat – Har Har Mahadev – Om Namah Shivaya!

  • This topic was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by  Krishna Kumar.

February 11, 2017 at 10:50 am

Yes. Everything is predetermined by Lord Shiva. He makes and mars the things. He is the source of enlightenment and he is the source of all birth, death, and salvation. It is He, who ultimately devours everything into himself. What we think as ours, is nothing but His.

Today we may face extreme problems and sufferings. But, ultimately he who comes to our rescue. He knows everything. He knows, how to rescue when to rescue, and to whom to rescue. What all we should have is patience and trust.


February 11, 2017 at 1:49 pm

Your thoughts about Lord Shiva strengthen the aspect of hope described in the article. Due to our lifestyle we seem to lose touch with the spiritual aspect of life which has to be nurtured as we do to the body. What one feels is reading and writing about different Gods and Goddesses helps us take us to our roots and remind us what we are made up of and Who we belong to and Who has planned and Will protect us by guiding us on the right path.


Or the path of salvation which have to follow in the course of our lives on this earth to attain Moksha. Hope is an important part of any living beings life and it is on the basis of hope that one continues his or her struggle in life for a better tomorrow. Lord Shiva serves us as the beacon who guides us through all our struggles for reaching the ultimate goal successfully.

February 18, 2017 at 3:48 pm

LORD SHIVA is a vital part of TRIMURTI. Lord Brahma is the CREATOR,  Lord Vishnu is the MAINTAINER & Lord Shiva is the DESTROYER… ie. THE TRANSFORMER!!!!!!! The LIBERATOR of the SOUL from birth to re-birth cycle!!!!!

He is THE GREAT LOVER…. BHOLANATH. Also he is THE DESTROYER… RUDRA!!!! Two great images in ONE!!!!

He truely teaches us some lessons… 1. Never tolerate the evil.  2) Metarialistic desire never lead you to MOKSH. 3) Love & respect your better-half.  4) Control yourself… your ego.. your pride. 5) Everything here is temporary.


February 18, 2017 at 11:14 pm

Interesting information about God Shiva. Adds value to the article and gives new insights about Bholenath Shivji. Who is very benevolent grants boons to devotees if they pray and make him happy with their prayers and not with anything which is materialistic.  He is the Sachidananda Roopa and is the personification of Satyam Shivam Sundaram. His pleasant face when in deep penance calms the minds of the devotees who pray to him too. He likes to stay at places where there is calm, like mountains like Kailash which is his abode and one finds the murthy of God Shiva in cremation grounds too as it is told he stays and meditates there too. Which signifies renunciation. He is also known as Neelakanta or the one who swallowed Hala Hala or poison for saving his devotees who cried for his help and also because the poison which he consumed stayed in the throat and it became blue due to it.


He is also known as Sambasadashiva as his body is covered with ash which signifies that every living thing  has to become ash once its life is over and gets dissolved with the Pancha Maha Bhoota or five elements. Maha Shivaratri which is coming this month is a important festival in praise of Shivji and all devotees try to relate and reach him and this is the best day. It is also called the night of prayer.