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February 15, 2017 at 12:48 am

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Cow is a revered animal in Hindu religion and is treated as a mother since time immemorial as it is the provider of nourishment and there are many other details as we go into into history and mythology. There are some cows which were with the Gods and wars were fought for one cow. This shows the importance cow has in Hindu religion. But nowadays many of the humans abuse cows, by not giving it proper food, making it over work, not taking care of its health properly and once they become very old  unfortunately selling it to slaughter houses for money as they are not of any use to them.

This is very sad and unfortunate, attitudes about this have to change and cows have to be taken care of till the end by the owners as they are like members of the family in good and bad times and help the family in whose house they reside by doing hard work and nourishing them and the children with milk. Imagine a situation if one kills his own mother as she has become old and is unfit to work due to age or give milk, how sad would it be. That is the situation now.

They are the cynosure of all eyes during festivities and religious events. Do we not respect our mother and as cow is our Gow Matha or mother? Is it right to treat them like this think about it? These are the thoughts which should be going through the minds of all Indians. Hope the Animal Welfare Board of India, the government, the Hindu religious social organizations find a positive solution for this issue.

But there are many  pleasant surprises  for all of us in store too many farmers and  animal welfare activists  are seen helping the cows and the calves by taking them to a shelter houses where they would be taken care of well by volunteers. Such individuals deserve a big  salute as they are the ones  who work tirelessly for the sake of animals. Dear readers I wanted all of us to have a view of this positive side too. More power to such Indians. Humans should learn to respect animals if they would want to have a world which is clean, green and pollution free. We owe this to our future generations. Do we not?

As they say “Good Work is Gods Work”. Gow Matha Ki Jai.

February 15, 2017 at 7:51 am

Realizing the importance of cows many people nowadays are taking steps for the protection of Cows. It is not only Cows but almost all Animals irrespective of their categories need to be protected. They too have got the freedom to live. But, are we doing? We are no doubt taking steps for the protection of Cows, but at the same time, we are also using them as tools for amusement. We are conducting Bullfight (in Spain) and enjoying the event. In India, there is a tradition going on in Tamilnadu by the name JALLIKATTU where a Buffalo will be freed in a ring and some youngsters try to halt him. Do they really possess that much stamina and power to contain the movements of a Buffalo? Do they really have proper food in their house to ensure the power and energy to contain this poor Animal?. Definitely, the answer will be ‘No”. What power, energy, and Stamina can we expect from a person eating Pizzas and Burgers and drinking a Coke after that? Is it not simply a show put up? or simply organized plan to create chaos among the people?

We should know that the Urine of Cow contains 1 mg of gold as per the study was undertaken by an Institution in Varanasi. At least, keeping that aspect in mind we should discourage these activities. There is no meaning in pointing out others for their mistake as long as we are not perfect and principled.

February 15, 2017 at 1:52 pm

Very well pointed about the issue of animal abuse whichever it is. Humans generally look at what they can get out of a person, animal, forest, environment, soil, river, oceans and the like. Generally they depend on the wealth and resources and since the time money has com they tend to abuse the gifts of nature which have to be respected equally as each of them is unique and needs its personal space and environment to thrive. When human needs turn into greed and aspire for more and more we have all these problems cropping up which can be very well avoided.


Regarding sports with animals. I feel it is a unfair thing to allow animals being abused that way. There are better ways which they themselves would like to participate if we understand them well. If people do not understand animals it is better they leave them alone and let them lead their lives happily. It is in the best interest of both man and animals. Humans should learn to live harmoniously with nature and animals and not mess around  with it. Thank you for the inputs great information.

February 16, 2017 at 10:44 am

I am very happy being an Indian $ also be a Hindu. Its an awesome article on Hinduism. Feeling proud being a part of this  discussion.

February 16, 2017 at 11:16 am

Hinduism is the oldest organised religion since 1500 BCE. We all know it is from India.accordi near about 1 billion followers.  I am very proud being an Indian- Hindu. There is very importance of cow in Hinduism. It is sacred & deeply respected to Hindus. According to VEDA, the cow is associated  with ADITI, the mother of all the Gods. To kill a cow is as same as to kill a BRAMHIN. To kill a cow specially for eat, it’s a TABOO for Hindus.

Jay ” GO MATA” ki !!!!

February 16, 2017 at 2:42 pm

Good to hear you participate and  air your views about Cow and Hinduism. As you have pointed out it is wrong to kill animals especially the cow in Hinduism. The information which you have provided in short about Aditi and its relevance in the Vedas adds value to the article and adds up to the information about the subject on which the article is written. Do keep replying with well researched comments like the one you wrote to all articles there are around 250 articles  in the forums in the group Knowledge is Power Use It Wisely. Happy researching, writing and earning.

  • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by  Krishna Kumar.

February 16, 2017 at 2:55 pm

Okay now i understand why Asians are mostly vegetarians. I have never understood why when your in the midst of an asian you cannot eat anything that is cooked out of meat. I have always wanted to ask that queation but i never got the beat pkatform i guess it is this post that was blocking me. Well said but again to most people there thise animals are that are okay to be eaten. It is obviously not a taboo for us. So long as the meat is drained off any blood. I know my post may not sound too nice for the asians but thats just what it is. I guess we all have our own cultures at th3 end of the day.

February 16, 2017 at 3:41 pm

Cow is a religious symbol for Hindus it is a mother figure as it provides nourishment and also is used in religious practices, people also drink its urine they say it consists of antiseptic properties and provides immunity, others like the elephant, horse and a host of animals and birds which are vehicles of Gods. While non vegetarian Hindus  eat chicken, mutton, fish, poultry and similar, traditionally they do not eat other animals unless you are a tribal staying near the forest. But mainly muslims eat beef in India and christians eat beef and pork too. Some of the tribes eat only rats, while there are many others who eat worms of different kinds as they are a rich source of protein others eat insects. This is in the north eastern part of India. Vegetarian Hindus have many restrictions many do not eat egg too and eat only certain specific foods on specific days and times. They have to practice not eating such foods as per religion.


But times have changed and a few of them do not follow religion strictly. They tend to be cut off from religion, culture, society and roots in the name of modernity.  While in other asian countries like Myanmmar, Thailand, China, Vietnam, Japan and a few others down. This is a short list of what all they eat,  frogs, lizards, monkeys, donkey’s, cats, dogs, goat, sheep, horse, pigs, cow, tigers, lions, deer, elephants, eat and use bones, blood of wild animals as  medicines.  They also eat worms of different kinds, rats, fish and other aquatic creatures of  fresh and marine water, like tortoise, sharks, whales, tuna and other fish, snakes of different kinds,  dung of different animals as they consider it exotic food in their countries. There are a few other countries where they eat humans and India a sect of  sadhus called aghoris eat human dead bodies of people relatives of whom do not have the money to conduct the last rites. They are usually not seen and do not meet humans and also do not communicate with people. There are many countries in asia where they used to consume human meat too but now this practice has  reduced a lot.    The western so called developed world is the worst offender. And they are trying to stop and fight against these people consuming food in countries like china and other asian countries which I earlier.


But there are a vast majority in India especially Hindus who never eat or limit eating of animals, poultry, fish etc., may be you have come across people from this particular category which I mentioned to you just now. So this shows what humans by nature are and consume. The Hindus who consume limited meat like chicken and goat meat are the many compared to those who eat no meat at all.  But a new trend has started among people who are health conscious to avoid any sort of meat. I hope it shows the variety of eating habits among different people and communities of different faiths in India and Asian Continent.