Author Posts

January 10, 2017 at 1:33 pm

Here are the next set of twelve quotable quotes for readers to read, think, act, mull about. Apply these for the positive and good things in life. Enjoy the quotes.

1) Clear thinking requires courage along with intelligence.

2) If you can dream it you can also do it, you only have to try.

3) Green is the prime color of the world and that from which its loveliness arises.

4) The starting point of all achievement is desire.

5) The key to success in life starts with life.

6) Respect time to be respected by the world.

7) Challenges are opportunities which come as blessing in disguise, it requires the human mind to recognize it.

8) Before uttering words weigh it well, as once uttered it is recorded and is history.

9) Anxiety is the result of loss self esteem, similarly happiness is the result of contentment in life.

10) Learn to own up to your actions, whether they be good, bad or ugly as it reflects who you are.