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April 29, 2018 at 3:17 pm

M0st scientific kn0wledge is the result of carefully planned investigati0ns c0nducted by trained scientists.their meth0d requires h0nesty, the ability to withh0ld decisi0ns until all evidence is on hand,and the desire f0r truth.these statements can be underst0od better if a familiar example is given.
1.identify the problem you want to s0lve.break it into small parts carefully plan how to proceed in getting as much information as possible about the problem.
2.c0llect informati0n or data c0ncerning the problem through observati0n and experimentati0n.
3.analyze and organize the data in terms of general statements that summarize the observati0ns in the experiments.
4.make a guess or hypothesis to explain the generalizati0ns. furter experiments to verify your hyp0thesis or explanati0ns.
6.accept or reject your kypothesis based on the resuls of the experiment.
A hypothesis that can stand several tests bec0me a theory.

April 30, 2018 at 4:05 am

Concerns of chemistry are:
*The composition and properties of matter
*the changes that substance undergo
*the energy transformations that accompany the changes