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People: Honoring Human Rights Day
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We all would want a free and equal world. On this day of the year 1948 the world body United nations adopted a set of rules applying to all of us to bring about equality, fairness, Justice and no discrimination. It is a important day for us to ponder what we were set to achieve and what are the milestones reached in this process all over the world where there is a necessity to do so.
Human rights is one of the important gifts which one has got in the modern world during the ancient and middle ages such a concept did not exist of even if there was a soul who would think about such revolutionary things at that time it would be a very small negligent group. Today many articles and conventions have passed resolutions and member countries have allowed the same to be ratified. This is a great step forward as local laws have also been framed to protect the rights of each and every human being.
Hope those not able to get the benefits of these rights and who are being abused by vested and powerful interests enjoy these rights as soon as possible. All nations have to play an important role in seeing to it that these laws are implemented in letter and spirit and create awareness which is lacking. India too has a long way to go in practice and implementation of human rights especially among the vulnerable and marginalised sections of the society. Let us hope this movement grows stronger and leads to a better equal world and end human suffering wherever it exists in whatever form.
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