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March 29, 2017 at 3:21 pm

undoing the past good?

undoing the past good?

Recently there is a wide spread rumour that Mr Donald trump wants to scrape the Obama Care instituted by Barack Obama, former President of America.I see that the New President wants to wipe out the memories of the former president.
Should this be the route of change in a modern world?.
I strongly believe that governance is a contributory affair.Some one must start from where the other person stopped.A situation of forging ahead for better.No matter his reasons,I strongly believe that United States Citizens are opposing his moves to scrape the obama care project.I stand to be corrected if I am writing in error.What I see is that all the good projects of the former presidents should be upheld while bad policies affecting the people adversely should be scapped.Or what do you think?

March 29, 2017 at 3:51 pm

@samuel Ekechukwu

While all good things which have been done by an earlier regime should continue. I feel there is too much of politics going on in USA even after the elections are over and what is happening is unfortunate. The winners must be respected as they have been voted by the people and not by someone else and the losers in the elections have to have the grace to accept loss and get on with life for the country’s good. Till the next elections come. Where they can check, point out mistakes of previous government and fight the next elections on those issues again.


But just for your information I also happened to read one more blog in literacybase a few days ago which stated that this particular scheme of Obamacare which is a sort of social security and medical benefit scheme is going to continue even under the present Trump administration after lot of deliberations. Please check and clarify what is the actual position as of date.

March 29, 2017 at 4:01 pm

We are always looking Mr. Trump with suspicion. During his election campaign he promised the people of the U.S that he would construct a wall along Mexico, he will ban the entry of Muslims associated with terrorism and ISIS activities. People laughed at him. They criticized him in various degrees. In spite of that he won the elections as it is the will of the people of U.S to have him as their President.

We should also know that Obama Care has not given any fruitful results as expected and there are many people who could not get the benefits out of Obamacare. I read the opinions of many people where they failed in their attempt when tried to make use of it. Some states had no funds to contribute their share and some have included only some diseases to be covered for making use of Obamacare.

In such a situation will it be nice to continue such policy?

If a policy is a good one and has got some loopholes one can continue it making necessary amendments and there may not be any need to stop the policy itself and it should be continued from where it has stopped as you said.

What Mr. Trump thinks is to give a better policy which needs scrapping of the earlier policy itself. Let us hope he may come out with a policy different from Obamacare. His attempt to give a better policy need not be suspected and should not be treated as an action to wipe out the memories of Mr. Obama.

March 29, 2017 at 4:47 pm

I think there was a lot of pharma lobby betting on Obamacare. And they pushed that program. Which trump has found out. And he’s making it transparent. But the way news are reporting him as evil. I think they forgot the very point where the Obamacare was making pharma and doctors rich at the expense of the people who are ageing and in their old age. So this means people were just unaware of that part. I think if trump makes it more transparent then surely it goes to show how bad is lobby there.

March 30, 2017 at 11:24 pm



As pointed by you in your response to this article there is lot more than what meets the eye. So a good scheme need not be scrapped and it it was not reaching the complete intended citizens of a company it has to be corrected so that the same happens and the better thing would be to make everything transparent as to what Obamacare did and how effective it was and what is the new avatar with any changes by Mr. Trump. All this has to be seen and understood.

It is better that whatever the Trump administration does in this matter be clear and transparent to the citizens so that whosoever in USA may have any nagging doubts in their minds as to what is going to happen to social security under the scheme will have a clear understanding as to what is being done and how are the citizens going to be benefited. But it is better politics is not played by all concerned in this. But I have read a blog in Literacybase stating that Obama care is continuing even now.

March 31, 2017 at 5:40 am

Since none of you know what you are talking about…   I was injured in a motor vehicle accident. I went up to America.  I landed on Monday, midnight.  I was operated on Tuesday at 9 am.  A pin was put into my leg.  I was given a wheelchair, I was given a walker.  I spent four days in the hospital then went to a rehab centre.   I was helped to walk again.

If you see me you don’t know I have a pin in my leg.  You don’t know that all of this COST ME NOTHING under Obama Care.

March 31, 2017 at 3:18 pm


I remember I read your blog post about Obamacare and that is what I was referring in the reply to the our friend who wrote the article that there was a blog post which was telling Obamacare is going to continue. Good to know that the scheme helped you. It can always be bettered and more facilities can be provided to the citizens as they are all tax payers. I always feel it is advisable not to stop social security schemes. It can be changed for the better or improved and it should be made transparent too. So that all are aware of the changes. Thanks for your inputs and feed back.

March 31, 2017 at 4:28 pm

Costing nothing under obama care does not make it a good healthcare. Someone else is paying for all the free stuff. There is nothing free. And that is one reason it has to be transparent. If making things free would make one scheme to look good then by all means communists should be good with their social schemes. That’s not the case though. Social security schemes should treat all people the same. You can’t expect things to happen for free and then favor the system.

March 31, 2017 at 6:49 pm

It is called TAXES.  That is how it is Paid for.

Canada has ‘socialised’ medicine.  Is Canada a communist country?

April 3, 2017 at 8:41 am

There a lot of people in the USA that would like to have single payer sytem like other countries have. But the insurance companies will lose money that way that why the us does not have a single payer sytem at this time.Obama care  the real name is  afforble health care act. befor obama care came in most of the low income worker had no kind of medcal insurance . Why ? the cost was to high and if we got sick we had to go to the Emeracy room at the hosptial, the us has a law saying the ER have to let every one i even if they have no money it does hurt the credit rating of that sick person plus the ER and  doctors do not get paid for that person they just work on . with obama care it took more people out of the ER because now we can take care and get pre check ups. Trump want to dump Obama care and have some kind health care saving account which would not work if people are low income when you live pay check to pay check

April 3, 2017 at 6:03 pm

  • Many Americans seemed to be unhappy with Obama care. That is why I think President Trump made it a point to try to replace it. But now they will rather keep what they know. He did try to give them another option, but Obama care looks like it is here to stay.