Author Posts

April 29, 2018 at 9:26 am

So far we have only studied simple our natural environment,substances usually in the sense that there are several compnents.
for example.air is a mixture of gases-oxygen,nitrogen,arg0n,and the other gases that are usually released by the activities of human beings or are products of technology.if such gases are present in am0unts that may be harmful to living things and the envir0nment,they are classified as air pollutants.some exampler of air pollutants are carbon mon0xide,carbon di0xide,sulfur oxides.and the oxides of nitrogen.seawater is an0ther example of a is a soluti0n of mineral salts and gases in water.producing rock salt or c0mmon table salt fr0m seawater is a c0mm0n livelihood activity in many seaside villages in the philippines,fr0m mindanao to luz0n.