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December 11, 2016 at 5:51 pm

Heart problems are a common occurence all over the world especially when there is extreme weather or when change of weather takes place. And most often during winters. This is not a definite rule and it can also happen due to a host of other reasons like preexisting illnesses, shock, age, medication and due to many other other reasons. Mentioned below are details of why bypass surgery is done with other details.

It is caused by the narrowing of the heart’s arteries by build up of fatty material. Coronary heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in India. There are broadly two ways to treat the condition. A bypass surgery is a procedure where a surgeon opens the chest cavity and creates a detour around the blocked artery using a vein from another part of the body. The second way is an angioplasty, where he threads instruments through a small incision and cleans out the block and inserts a wire stent to keep the blocked artery open, in some cases a balloon is also used to open up the artery. Generally doctors and patients tend to go for angioplasties because of their less invasive nature, bypass surgeries are an excellent alternative solution as well.

Research which has been done extensively by various agencies across the world suggest that the success rate for Coronory Bypass Surgeries stands between 95 – 98 percent, which means over 95 percent of the people who undergo this procedure have no complications. This figure is being arrived as all presurgical tests are done to make it a success. The risk of death immediately today after the surgery is only 1 – 2 percent. On patients with poor heart muscle function there is an improvement is what studies show. After surgery the blood supply which improves stimulates heart muscle to contract with more force.

All said and done no surgery is without risk and complications. What can happen due to complications are arrhythmias, kidney failure, stroke and other infections after the surgery. These can  occur after the heart surgery, patients over  70 years of age  and those with hypertension, lung disease or those who consume excessive alcohol, may experience a fall in memory and other intellectual abilities after the surgery. Most people however recover from these effects within 6 to 12 months.

However we may want to look at it, this surgery has become a viable way to fight heart disease. Many people in India and also those coming to India from abroad for medical tourism undergo this surgery along with other procedures as per their requirement. In majority of the cases it is successful.