Author Posts

April 30, 2018 at 4:48 am

Kappalycus alvarezii or red seaweed is cultivated in the is the source of carageenan, an important ingredient in many industrial products.
synthetic polymers are commonly kn0wn as plastics.they are examples of how chemists have been able to mke new materials never seen before,out of ordinary natural things like air,oil,petroleum,and water.m0st polymers are named with the prefix poly.s0me examples are poly[ethene] commonly kn0wn as polyenthylene (the m0st c0mm0n polymer used to make the ever present plastic bags in the markets,grocery stores, etc.),poly[styrene](foamed items like cups and lunchboxes),poly[amide](nylon,)poly[ester],poly[vinyl chlorif] (PVC). Acrylic (poly [methylmethacrylate]),and poly[carbonate] (PC). most polymers are the major source of pollution. For example,discarded plastic bags and wrappers, and bottles do not decay.they accumulate in land fills..rivers,and seas for many years still unchanged.

April 30, 2018 at 4:54 am

Ask your grandparents if they had used plastic bags and other plasticware when they were your age.suggest solutions to the big polluti0n problem caused by plastics.
The chemistry of polymers has greatly is n0w possible for chemists to design polymers with different sets of properties to suit a wide range of useful products.