Author Posts

January 8, 2017 at 12:51 am

I wish to highlight an important aspect of how many different kinds of lobbies having their own vested interested try to damage our countries interest and project a negative image of our country before the world. This has been an old ploy by many organisations in the form of NGO’S, paid news paper journalists and in some cases their editors or managements too, research organisations situated abroad, some sold out parties which includes the high and mighty too, diplomatic missions of other countries inimical  to our nation and worried about our growth and development or fearing that we would be a future competitor or also creating problems for us as otherwise their business interests will get hurt if we no longer need their products and are self reliant. There are others who are working for the enemy nations in their specialized role and whose duty is to damage the assets of our country and weaken the system slowly by pulling it down by brick by brick.

Now readers will start thinking who am I referring to without naming any parties directly. To them I would like to tell them to take whatever news or information which they may receive through any medium of communication with a pinch of salt and test them thoroughly through different sources before taking them at face value. Also try to verify what are they upto as they may be a big name in their field in the world so the world tends to give more credence to their words than checking facts out. Unfortunately I have not come across any particular organisation or group of the government through which such issues can be catered to or aired.

What forced me to write this article is a news from a science journal which is in circulation stating that the research quality of  our country is poor and not believable and that a shady industry is in operation where untrue journals are being published by companies which show off as legitimate scientific publications but are publishing papers without any peer review while charging authors hefty fees in the process thus making money.  One has to verify this one information but even if it is true to just tell that the whole country like this and their is such a industry in operation is far from truth as a few rotten eggs even if they are there let us assume cannot spoil the whole brand of this sort of scientific publications industry which India has.

What happens due to this is this industry of our country gets a bad name worldwide and genuine business will try to runaway from our country thus robbing the people who are in this industry in our country of their business thus ultimately affecting the health of the country by reducing incomes and damaging goodwill and the GDP of our country. This hits the economy in the long run. I have seen that many of our own people are believing this propaganda whether it is true or false. I feel if the people who are writing such news feel that such a problem exists they must  send a copy to the concerned authorities too or they should just keep their mouth shut if they do no mean any good for our countries interest.

There has to be somebody or organisation who keep a tab and check and verify such information and take action as required. But see that the countries name does not get tarnished in anyway.  I am one of the millions of Indians and would not want any damage to be caused to this great country of ours. Here I would like to stress one point that the source of all this starts with the point that we depend on the so called developed western world and countries in Oceania for studies. Every parent takes huge amounts of loans worth lakhs of rupees for the purpose of  education abroad.

If our government can stem this tide of people or human resource moving out of our country after receiving education till masters  for furthering their prospects, the countries loss can be cut as loans are taken, money goes to foreign colleges, visa fees and other boarding and lodging expenses with food and then insurance, foreign exchange has to be spent which is a huge drain on the family and so money is going out of our country to others from our pockets and taxes as in many cases education is subsidized in our country hence we are giving loans and subsidies for other countries to benefit by this logic.

Government has to stem this rot and see that youth gets the best of the opportunities in our own country and see that lecturers from abroad are called to India for teaching and other academics or any practicals in all fields. India one can tell is one of the richest countries in the world money is held in unwanted places and spent in places which is not needed sometimes out of need and other times simply because there is no choice as society demands it.

One more fallout of this is once the generation moves out their children get cut from the roots and are no way linked to their parent country which they find difficult to live in now compared to the place they are born and are now used to. This also results in culture drain and people who can set up businesses as they are the next generation are doing that in some other country and India is  being the loser in the bargain. There are a lot of things which are found wanting in our education system which need correction.

One thing is if children  are helped to decide what they would want to become in the country when they grow up once  they reach class eighth  and are given internship in the particular place from the class eight depending on the specialization of their choice they choose to. Here they can be broadly told to choose at least five sectors which they can narrow down and reach to their perfect choice as they grow later.

Specialized pschometric testing tools have come which can tell which tests should be conducted on their minds to see what they are good at or will be happy doing as they grow. These tests generally take five hours and are simple.  They would get practical experience and you will have youth who will be confident as they are earning at least for their studies and this increases their self confidence a lot when they grow up and in turn they will have the capacity due to their experience to motivate others.

Here we find attitude from students, parents is lacking because such facilities and infrastructure are not put in place by the education system in the country by the government. The sooner this is done the better it is  as time is running out. If you want to “Make In India” then this is where you start from (LKG to PG). By the time the children reach masters or PG from class eight they will have atleast 6 to 8 years of solid experience. They will know the market of their chosen field, will be motivated and highly self reliant and self confident. If this is done it will definitely stem the tide of people running out to other countries and in turn you will find return of human resource of people of India settled abroad to India to establish ventures in the motherland.

If government has the will to do the above and not end up in usual procedures and wasting of time then they have a big chunk of people needing employment who can be made to fit into posts where people are required to fulfill this vision. I hope someone in the government will read this and try to see the government programs already existing are altered to fit the above model without having to do massive changes. Once the country is self reliant in different spheres there will be many few who would want to leave the mother land.

The policy has always to be based on merit for all and training given to all to reach the potential. In the world of business or real world people who deliver results only matter and theory is as important as practicals in any field from the class eight. This is food for thought. Think, discuss, act and stem the tide of money and human resource leaving our country after causing economic loss to our motherland.