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April 29, 2018 at 4:25 pm

Chemist found out the purgative (anthelmintic)property of niyog-niyogan is due to the oil c0ntent of the seeds.the oil c0ntains quisqualic acid that expels worms such as ascaris,hookworms,and pimw0rms. Garlic c0ntains allicin that helps lower bl0od pressure and cholesterol.allicin also has antibacterial effect. In additi0n,the pfculiar penetrating odor of garlic is due to sulfur present in its c0mpounds. The volatile oil that kills or prevents the growth of germs or micro0rganisms,eugen0l c0ntents. Tannins are c0mpounds that acc0unt for the bitter taste of s0me fruits,tea, and beer.eugen0l is a mild anesthetic used in the preparati0n of various ar0matics.
Chemistry also answers s0me other questi0ns in the c0urse of studying the healing properties of plants in my sec0nd p0st.

April 29, 2018 at 4:47 pm

Chemistry seeks to find out what living and n0nliving things are made of and to learn h0w their properties relate to their c0mpositi0ns. It also studies how and why matter changes and the acc0mpanying energy changes. This kn0wledge is useful in producing new materials or products to answer specific needs.
To illustrate,filipinos has practiced eating niyog-niyogan (Quisqualis indica L.) seeds as an effective way of expelling intestinal worms Similarly,garlic (ALLIUM SATIVUM L.) Bulbs and fresh leaves are eaten to ease hypertensi0n. Moreover,guava (PSIDIUM GUAJAVA L.) Leaves boiled in water is a go0d disinfectant for wouds and skin infecti0n. It is also taken in to contr0l diarrhea. Chemistry is c0ncerned with these initial questi0ns:
*What are the compositi0ns of niyog-niyogan,garlic,and guava leaves?
*What substances are responsible for their curing properties?

April 30, 2018 at 3:22 am

Its true we can use guava leaves as a herbal medicine.also the garlic its help to prevent cholester0l.