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Happiness is ___________. ( What's Your Line? :) )
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“Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.” ― Jim Rohn
~ Uuuummm … happiness for the present and the future; and hopefully to enjoy sweet memories of the past. ― Treathyl Fox Friendship Quotes, Quotes | Source ♥ ♥ ♥
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Tag some of your LB friends and share an inspirational thought or message with them.
Talk Less And Listen More. |
@cmoneyspinner Thanks for tagging me. I wish you happiness too. 7 steps to happiness? Hmmm.. that’s right. And one should do it if he or she want a happy life. As for me, I’ll try to do all of those seven if possible. But that talk less, listen more, I think I i’ll be hard up on it because honestly, sometimes, all I want Is for me being listened more. That is I think one of my weakness.
Happiness is living the life I want without minding negative and bad things the world is bringing in my way. Happiness is my family. Happiness is my friends. Happiness is brought by a peaceful mind, forgiving and kind heart, rightful decisions, and positive perceptions. |
happiness is taking the time to dream and achieve them. |
Happiness is ME. I give all my best to make others feel happiness. I am not a self-centered person but happiness is from within and needed to share. |
Happiness is felt by the heart, reflected through our face and expressed by our body.. It is only felt by a person if he can appreciate the beauty of life.. |
Happiness is simple to find where we can see our self being happy from deep of our heart but now a days we are faking every thing even smile and even being pretend to be happy. happiness explanation can be given in a simple thing where a baby smiles and enjoy walking with parents the smile and joy in their face cant be explainable that is called the real happiness. |
I think happiness for me is seeing things happening which I dream of. And having experience go through unexpected things. Then again, it’s been a while since last that happened. So not aware of that type of happiness. |
Happiness is an attitude ,a way to look at things.If we do not have the attitude to feel happy ,nothingin this universe can make us happy. |
@Treathyl FOX Thank you for tagging me. Actually I do all those enumerated tasks. However, with complain less and appreciate more, I think I cannot help complain when something not good is done to me. I always complain when I know that I have been mistreated badly or when my complain would right what is presently being done wrongly or in other words, constructive criticism. I never complain if it is something petty. I only complain when I know it was wrongly done. |
Happiness is doing the things you like to do which will uplift your self-worth, as well as make people around you happy also. It is like a ray of sunshine, making one’s day so bright and beautiful; a rainbow in the sky! |
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Tagging some more of my LB friends. Wishing y’all happiness!
Happiness is what you create and does not come as magic. Nothing in this world comes magic and you have to do all the necessary work for being happy in this life |
Today happiness has a different meaning for me. My incomplete blog got posted by mistake ,i have written to support,so if I got my bolg edited I am going to be the most happy person on the earth. |
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