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December 1, 2016 at 12:17 am

Knowing how should we act in the case of emergencies can help in limiting and preventing casualities and loss or damage to property. In the case of fire it can spread quickly. If one cannot douse a small fire individually, the most important thing to do is to evacuate the entire building. If you happen to live in an apartment block then sound the firm alarm and try to save yourself and your near dear ones. See that there is no panic. What should one do to cope with small fires. In the case of chimney fires if the fire is out of control try to douse it with water or else call the fire brigade. Make sure you pull furniture, carpets and other combustible objects away from the fire place. In the case of electrical fires do not use water on burning electrical fires. If an appliance such as a television or any other is on fire, turn off the electricity main supply and smother the flames with a heave blanket or a coat.

In the case of kitchen fires if a frying pan catches fire, immediately turn off the fryer or the bob ring. Cover the pan with fire blanket or a damp kitchen cloth or a large saucepan lid. If its a small fire close all doors and windows to contain the fire within a room as air fuels the fire. How to escape from a fire . If you are not able to move out of a burning building then shut yourself as far away from the fire as possible, then block the door with a roll of cloth. Open the window and call for help. Make sure you do not end up jumping out of the window. When moving from a buillding carry any babies and toddlers out with you never for any reason for any reason try to go back into a blazing building. After alerting the emergency services in case you know that someone else is trapped inside as only the firemen have the special training and the equipment. If a casualty’s clothes are on fire then lay him down – burning side on the uppermost – and douse him with water or any other non inflammable liquid. Else wrap the casualty in heavy clothes and smother the flames. Never use nylon or any other synthetic or flammable material.

Precautions to be taken and avoided are not allowing the casualty to panic and rush outside, since movement and breeze will fan the flames. Do no roll the casualty on the ground. Because if you do, the burns ma spread to other parts Do not panic wrap yourself in heavy fabric and then lie down. Please not while the above information may be useful it would be preferred to undergo a fire safety training crash course.

Please note this writer is not responsible for unsolicited responses articles, letters, phone or personal enquiries in this regard will not be entertained. Remember always prevention is better than cure and it is better to be safe that to be sorry.





March 7, 2017 at 3:29 pm

I am revisiting the article and adding a new incident where an accident took place in a home which I thought would be of use to readers to read and be careful about. There was a house where leakage from a cooking gas cylinder was taking place. The homemaker who had been out had come and felt the smell when she opened the door of her house. She then called the emergency service of the gas company and informed them of the same and was going on about her chores.

Once  the mechanic came and rang the doorbell a loud blast took place and one of the wall got completely flattened and for the homemaker luckily she was in another room and she escaped unhurt but the mechanic at the door bell was severely injured as the impact of the blast broke the main door and flung the splinters at him.

This blast was triggered by the mechanic as he rang the doorbell which he should not have done when gas was leaking. There would similarly have been a blast had a mobile phone too rang in the house. Hope this share will help create awareness about safety issues to be followed.

March 9, 2017 at 4:07 pm

Thanks. This is a very nice article cautioning people what to do in case of emergencies. There are some people who by virtue of their ignorance meet with calamities. The fire accidents are common nowadays and in the villages as most of the houses are made of dry grass they catch fire easily even by a small fire from a match stick. The fire due to leakage of a Gas cylinder is really dangerous. Recently, there was leakage of Gas Cylinder. I immediately called the person concerned and got it replaced. I do not know that ringing a bugger alarm or ringing of a cell phone will also cause fire during leakage of Gas Cylinder. Better it is circulated to as many as possible by sharing it. Thanks .

March 9, 2017 at 10:30 pm

Felt glad that you found the article and the incident about the gas cylinder explosion which took place useful as one can take precautionary or preventive measures. One more way by which fire or blast of  LPG cylinder explosions take place is through the use of agarbatti or lamps which many light during the daily pooja which they perform. While doing this is good they are not careful enough to put off the lamp or the incense sticks before moving out of the house as they have the notion that it will automatically get off once its duration is over. This is a very big risk as I have also read about explosions occuring due to the two reasons mentioned above.


One case it happened in huts and many huts caught fire due to this and there was loss of life and property. In the second case which was due to incense stick and gas leakage leading to explosion unfortunately some family member of the neighboring house passed away as it was a common wall attached. One more risk which I find is near the petrol pumps where people lift their mobiles which they do not switch off before going to the pump and the other case of people who are smoking forgetting that they have to put off the same before entering the petrol pump premises.  This despite many boards or banners displaying customers not to do so. This is nothing but careless attitude of the people which will result in death or injuries should something go wrong unfortunately.


March 10, 2017 at 12:26 pm

I think planning for emergencies is a good way to handle stress. Knowing problems are going to occur makes you think that you are much ahead of your problems. And this means you can proactively take the choices. I think we can be prepared in terms of financial and the family side too. Many people focus on the small issues and then plan for them. This can be a good way to avoid the stress. It has helped many people avoid conflict from the future. I’d say doing that route has helped a lot.

March 10, 2017 at 2:50 pm


Appreciate your input on this topic. There are many families whom I know where the bread earner unfortunately passed away suddenly due to unforeseen circumstances, luckily for the family members they had done all insurance, house and other required setup which are required to run life in a smooth way. No doubt this cannot replace the person lost but it can definitely see that the family does not end up coming on the streets due to these unforeseen calamities.

I have also observed people in the government sector get the benefits after the family member who was working there passed away after putting in many years of service. One of their family members are provided a job and all the benefits which should accrue to the remaining members of the family after the death of the deceased are also handed over immediately to the family. This relieves the family from great financial tension which they would be undergoing. Many have got medical benefits worth four to five lakhs of rupees free for any medical emergencies to them or their family members. Which for a person working in the private sector would burn a big hole in ones pocked and would be a financial nightmare.