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March 19, 2017 at 2:13 am

This is an important which I would like to share with all of you. Please be careful or still better do not eat food being served in public or commercial places, especially street food and even in some not so reputed  hotels especially when seasonal changes take place. This is the time for a lot of diseases to spread as the weather has not yet settled down and there is fluctuation in the temperature.


There are chances of food getting spoilt due to the variation in temperature. If one end up eating such food especially in the case of children they may unfortunately  end up having stomach ache, diarrhoea, worms in the stomach and other seasonal related illnesses.  Better to have a deworming tablet after checking the same with the doctor, food can also get spoilt if the food is cooked and being served to you after more than 24 hours. Always try to eat fresh cooked food at home too. While it food consumed outside may be very tasty it is better to avoid the same for a few days till the season settles  and summer finally arrives.


Try to buy packaged water or better take your own water bottle from your home to avoid health issues like cold and cough and nasal problem. If one consumes from different places it  may get throat problems. So stay safe till the weather stabilizes and take care of your health.



March 20, 2017 at 4:07 pm

Some of the ways diseases spread from the street food to us are as follows.

1) Unclean water being used for washing. Many times we find the same water being used to wash plates. Plates are used because it saves the shopkeeper the  cost of buying  paper plates which are costly.

2) Sometimes even these paper plates are of poor quality and material from the plate which is made of plastic enters the food which is very unhealthy.

3) During this time lots of flies breed and they will breed near the foodstuff. Chances are you will find a dustbin nearby which has not been cleaned and is full of flies and they come and sit on the food leading to health issues.

4) People serving the food serve water without cleaning their hands properly and dip the same hands in the drinking water too.

5) In summer lots of dust flies and lands on the food stuff contaminating the same leading to problems related to health.

6) People spit and wash their hands near the same place where eatables are being served and this leads to problems if some of  them are suffering from health problems.

7) Food which becomes waste is not properly disposed off and this is a recipe for disaster for ones health.

8) Flies flying near the sugar cane juice or other juice stalls end up sitting on the machine and getting crushed with the juice and the same is served without any one noticing the same.

9) Ice which is used for fruit drinks is sometimes bought without packaging it well and storage is not well too. Generally we see the vendor putting the ice inside a tube and beating the same to crush it.

10) Sometimes proper hygiene is not maintained by the person preparing the food and the oil too is reused many a times. Which becomes toxic and so does the food too.


March 21, 2017 at 9:43 pm

Many hotels and street vendors will be checked for  the quality of food being served to the customers, this season. This will be done by the food inspectors who have been appointed by the government. They have the power to check kitchens of hotels and sweet houses. They also check the street food being served too. They see whether the premises is clean, how is the quality of water, the quality of food served, level of hygiene being maintained at the business and other such things.


If something is missing or wrong they will issue a notice and seal the business for what they have been doing and causing harm to the customers. This had happened during the last year during especially in summer and winter. These food inspectors are on work all year through. The unfortunate thing is that there are only a few of them when compared to the number of business which are there. If the government of the country increases the number of staff who are serving as food inspectors it will certainly keep a check on the black sheep in the business. This will be a step in the right direction.

March 22, 2017 at 7:46 am

As a food vendor my self we have the board of health watching us here in  the US  . If some thing goes wrong the food vendor can be charge a lot of money . Now if people buy some thing from a food vendor and does not eat right away then yes it will go bad.

March 22, 2017 at 2:43 pm

@david Hersh

In the USA laws and regulations are strictly enforced and the density of population compared to what India has is less. Even here laws are enforced but the inspectors are few and eateries many. Here there are many who eke out a living for the family by running eateries and unfortunately they are not too well educated about hygiene while the food is very tasty and while there are many who follow the rules, these people who I mentioned above do it due to ignorance and difficulties which they face like getting water for maintenance, doing business on a very low budget as they are very poor, ineffective garbage disposal, they also cut costs at the cost of health of the consumer etc.


While there is the other category of people who run posh hotels, bakeries and eateries, but the less said about the kitchen the better it is. It is against these people that the law enforcement agencies go out and check their food and premises and if something is wrong cancel their licence. But they start shop with a different name in no time that is the risk here. Thanks for the feedback.

March 22, 2017 at 4:19 pm

My stomach feels bad due to junk food like McDonald burger and other high class type of food. As for the road side food. I do just fine. I have no issue with the taste and the stomach issues with road side food. I think it depends on the type of stomach one has. As in capacity. Most of the McDonald and other types of food chain have processed stuff. And they may appear hygienic but they are known to damage more peoples health than street food. Atleast that is what I have seen.

March 22, 2017 at 4:38 pm


This is a problem only faced during the beginning of the summers and the rainy or winter seasons. As for those who are used to eating food out on the streets all year through it does not affect much but it may do damage in the long run. As you told even I was having food outside for more than seventeen years once the quality went down and prices increased then I stopped having food outside.


I also agree with you that junk food industry has its own set of problems which is better avoided but many have got addicted to it as they  use some additives and other such things which draws them to the store to eat that food again and again. This was not there before and is a recent phenomena for the last 15  to 20 years. Thanks for the input and reminding the good time I used to have in a hotel or tiffin center.


March 22, 2017 at 7:43 pm

It is better to watch out while eating outside. We can’t completely depend on homemade foods all the time but with the changing climate, it is better to stick to home-cooked meals as much as possible. Since summer has started here it is better to avoid outside foods a lot. We get a lot of diseases due to the heat itself. Drinking clean water and having a lot of fruits and vegetables can help survive the heat.

March 22, 2017 at 7:56 pm


Could not agree with you more. While it is not possible for people especially families where both the members of the family are working in private companies to cook in the house all the days of the week. It is better that the procedure is followed especially during the beginning and end of the seasons as variations in temperatures and seasonal changes cause food to get spoilt fast compared to other times of the year. It is always better to be safe than to be sorry.


As the medical costs nowadays are very high and a small fever of a cold or cough itself costs quite a lot. And more than that it upsets the schedule of the individual who is affected and also reduces his performance and is nothing but a nuisance value to the individual going through this ordeal. Thanks for the feedback I think many of the people whom I know are doing what you are telling.


March 22, 2017 at 8:04 pm

Thank you @krishna kumar. A very precise opinion on the medical expenses and the difficulty that we are facing at present. A great topic.

April 12, 2017 at 1:23 pm

My student was hospitalized after eating street foods. It is not advisable to eat street foods for they are deadly considering the dust and all those saliva that might have certain virus that may enter onto the person’s body eating street foods.

May 23, 2017 at 4:27 pm


Yes you are right. There are many instances and cases where people have suffered from stomach problems and other ailments due to the consumption of street food and even processed food items from bakeries. Even though I feel that it’s alright to have something outside once in a while, I always prefer homemade food. This is because we know what our body requires at the right time and we prepare it using the right ingredients. The difference between street food and homemade food is that they prepare for a large number of people in bulk while we satisfy our hunger in the house by consuming freshly cooked food. Anyways thanks for sharing your piece of information.

Thank you

May 24, 2017 at 12:36 pm

Street foods are only good if they are covered if not so dangerous. But I used to dine with my friends and teacher duirng college in Chicken A La carte, but my stomach was not hamr hehehehe.Maybe because the chicken was still hot and dip in hot sauce and chili. That was superb life duirng college.

This time super dusty in our city, not advisable to eat street foods. It is better to cook our own foods to be safe.

May 24, 2017 at 3:32 pm

have anyone got paid yet this month @lovern

May 24, 2017 at 3:47 pm

@happsingh, hehehe who would pay us? The site no longer works for writers. They are all dead. No one answers us all even a word yes or no hard for the site operators to say, so weird. I am truly madnow for we are talking like a parrot.

Do not anymore think of payment. It will not happen. No one knows where the owners are. They just ran away.